Sunday, July 17, 2011

Servant Sunday

This year CUMC began a prayer shawl ministry and earlier this month we prayed as a congregation over the newest batch. We didn't realize at the time but one of them was for us. Today our little family (along with all of the Fire, Military, and Police families in the church) received our own prayer shawl as part of Servant Sunday.

So, a thank you, to the skillful hands who made our Sheriff's Yellow blanket/shawl. We are grateful for your prayers and your beautiful handiwork. We are thankful for your sacrifice of time to make our gift.

Thank you to the families we stood with in front of our church. Families who also give up days and nights together, who plan weekends based on an on-call schedule, and who sacrifice holidays and special times with loved ones to protect and serve strangers.

Most of all, thank you to God, for protecting Mark and the thousands who put their lives on the line every day. As I looked at the other families, I said a special prayer for the parents and spouses who stood alone today, receiving their shawl on behalf of a loved one who was in harm's way this morning. I thank God for his constant watch and protection over Mark, our coworkers, and all of the men and women who value the lives and protection of others above their own. Thank you on this Servant Sunday.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"Your Baby Asian!!"

I have noticed, especially lately, that every parent has a few "go-to" stories about each of their children. You know the ones...the cute little anecdotes that can be pulled out at a moment's notice and that other's can mouth along to. This is Annabeth's...

Mark and I love sushi. I mean LOVE sushi! I have been an avid fan for years and finally got Mark to try it during our engagement and he's hooked as well. I love eating at Japanese restaurants I love the music, the tea, the little sushi plates, and the food! Needless to say, despite my nausea and vomiting sushi has always sounded good and stayed down. In turn, Annabeth has eaten mostly sushi during her life in my belly.

One of our favorite places is Tokyo Buffet (on Emerson and County Line): a Chinese buffet, sushi bar, and now a fruit bar with chocolate fountain! It's wonderful and thanks to their coupon in the paper each week we can both eat for less than $25. During my pregnancy, I've discovered that they also do takeout sushi by the pound. For weeks I went there two to three times a week. Sometimes with Mark sometimes alone with the great takeout option. Finally on about week five of this cycle my favorite lady there exclaims,
"Your baby love the sushi. Your baby Asian!!"
So you see, God does answer prayers. For many years I have dreamed and prayed for an Asian daughter, and God has given me a little sushi lover! He is so good!!