Saturday, January 2, 2010

End of Christmas and Resolutions

We made yesterday our last day of Christmas. I am always sad to take the tree down so we left it up one more night. We sat in our living room, glowing with the Christmas tree lights, and watched Christmas Vacation and Elf. Now I am ready to close the Christmas season.

And, seeing as yesterday was New Year's, I'll add our resolutions. I have always done them, usually accomplished them, and encourage everyone to set goals! Mark's New Year's Resolution is to visit his Great Grandma and Grandpa each month. They live about two miles down the road and yet we've only seen them a handful of times since moving here. My New Year's Resolution is to do one "Indianapolis" thing a month - meaning that I want to make time to do things like visit museums, maybe see a Colts game in person, etc. I so enjoyed city life while living in Louisville and here I just haven't taken advantage so...the journey begins...

HAPPY 2010!

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