Friday, March 27, 2015

Frugal Friday 84

Happy Frugal Friday!

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- I colored my hair at home for around $3 after coupons!

- We took a giant bag to Goodwill. I am nesting in full force and lots of things are leaving our house!

- A coworker gave Mark a boat motor for free. He took it down to my parents last weekend to use at the lake.

- Dad shared a giftcard with us. We are looking forward to purchasing some hobby items for free. Thank you!

- Sunday night, after we all got home from Evansville, Mark made a quick trip to the grocery for fresh items. He also picked up nighttime diapers for Annabeth but forgot to use the coupon I sent. Annabeth and I returned the diapers on Monday (we were going to the store anyway to purchase a birthday gift) and bought another pack using the coupon. Usually I am not quite so concerned but this was a high dollar coupon that expires before we will need to purchase another pack.

- Mark worked two nights at a part time job.

- Annabeth and I drove to visit my best friend. We used to go out to lunch and shopping but now that we have three kids under three and under and one on the way we've settled into play dates at each other's houses. Rose made lunch and us girls brought dessert from home.

Big Sister Annabeth and her cookie bars. 

- I found the cutest little church outfit for Owen at Kohl's on the clearance rack. Saved: $34.20 (90% Savings!)

- I sold a formal outfit of Annabeth's on a Facebook Garage Sale page. Money from sales like this go to her dance/gymnastics fees. Made: $30

- Some of our cereal boxes came with codes for Outnumber Hunger. We were able to enter a code and donate 5 meals to Gleaner's Food Bank of Indiana.

We had a good week and are more than ready for warm, sunny weather to be here to stay!

Happy Savings to All!

"Buy Used and Save the Difference"

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