Friday, October 28, 2016

Frugal Friday 166

Happy Frugal Friday!

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Owen had a cold last week and then was teething this week. He has been a whiny, sleepless mess! I am SO thankful for the baby carrier that our friend Cynthia lent me! It has been a lifesaver this week as I have worn him and still gotten things done!

16 months and still glued to Mama in the Ergo. 
I love this sweet season of life! Don't ever want to let go O!

- Saturday morning, Annabeth and I enjoyed attending our church craft fair with Mark's mom. I found a neat Christmas decoration (handmade for just $4) and purchased a baby shower gift from my friend Kelley. If you are interested in handmade baby goods please visit Kelley at Heaven Bound HCA. We also enjoyed a morning hot chocolate and treat at Panera.

- I won a book from a blog that I follow!!! I am so thankful to Meghan at Lawyer Mom for the book and look forward to reading it soon! Meghan's blog is a great homeschool blog and she is the author of Under Duress.

- Tuesday evening Mark and Annabeth enjoyed attending his Scout Troop's Halloween Party. Annabeth enjoyed playing with her friends and Mark said a great time was had by all. Owen and I stayed home as he was asleep in bed before the party even started.

- Today we are hosting our Homeschool Group's Fall Party! This is our third year hosting and each year I have worked to make it more and more affordable for our family. This year I purchased all the food and supplies (pumpkins to paint) by shopping at three different stores. I took advantage of sales and coupons and we spent less than $20 OOP! We love hosting but I also love it being affordable.

- While shopping at the three stores (Aldi, Kroger, and Target), we also did our grocery shopping for the next two weeks. We are well stocked well into November.

- I cleaned out some old cards and letters. I ended up with a full tote to take to recycling. I took about 8 weeks off from getting rid of things but have been trying to get back into the swing of it lately with my closet clean out and then some paper clean out.

We had a nice, easy week at home. We had a GREAT school week and are now more than 70 days into the school year. Annabeth is working diligently and we are so proud of her hard work!

Happy Savings to All!

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