Owen is by far one of the funiest people I have ever met! He already has great comedic timing, we joke that he is channeling his cousins Addison and Austin who are awesome comedians and performers. He loves to put on a show and if you give him a giggle he'll do it 100 times to get more! He loves to make people laugh and to encourage everyone to "just dance now!" Owen already has a great idea of how to move his face to show us just how he feels about things. He has a sweet dance move involving his "dance face" and a finger point that would win any heart. Again, he'll do anything for a laugh!
He's also super in tune with people and how they feel. He can read my emotions a mile away. He is so sympathetic and kind when someone is hurt or sad. He also has some big, huge emotions of his own! He goes from zero to angry in about three seconds - we are working on that!
Owen is often cuddly and sweet beyond measure. He loves to rock in his rocking chair with me and to sing our favorite hymn. He will also often cuddle with Mark and Annabeth still which is so lovely!
His favorite song in "The Giant Song" aka Bethoveen's 5th Symphony. You know, Dun-Dun-Dun-Dunnnnn" He loves to tell Knock-Knock-Jokes (missing the punch line of course, he is only three) He also has memorized many of his books and reads to us quite often.
Owen loves taking 'nastics class with "Aunt" Kari Kermode, Miss Emily, and Miss Tiana at Style. He has learned and grown so much this year! They have taught him gymnastics moves but he also has finally learned to jump! A skill he has been working towards for a long time. Here is Owen's "Yes! Jump!" face:
Owen has also gotten himself into the K-3rd Grade Children's Church class. He refuses to go to the toddler one and insists on staying with Annabeth. Sweet Miss Teri and Miss Clara both let him stay and even humor him by telling David and Goliath (his favorite Bible story) every single week.
Some of Owen's current catch phrases:
"Hey Gaga! We best friends"
"My dad says about Bigfoot"
"No thanks. I good."
"Why you do that?!"
"Bigfoot says 'ooo'"
"We best friends Mama"
"Hey Dad, you my best friend"
"Giant Song! Dun-dun-dun-dunnnn"
My favorite thing about Owen is that he
It's hard to believe he's only been with us three short years. I feel like I cannot remember a time in my life before Owen. He is very much one of my best friends and such a source of joy in our lives.
Happy Third Birthay Owen!
We pray that you continue to grow in life and love and you seek to serve Him in all that you do. Amen.
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