Friday, November 6, 2020

Frugal Friday 369

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Mark worked many hours of overtime and I worked my Usborne Books & More Business.

- Last Friday, a bakery donated a huge aount of food to Mark's department so all were able to bring things home. He brought home donut holes, cupcakes, dinner rolls, and bagels. We served some over the weekend as we had company and then froze the rest.

- Saturday afternoon my Mama and I window shopped in downtown Franklin. We enjoyed looking through two little shops and didn't spend any money. 

- Saturday evening we had all of our parents over for a chilli dinner and Trick Or Treat. The kids LOVED trick or treating in our neighborhood and it was so fun to watch them choose their two pieces of candy to eat at the end of the night. 

Happy Halloween from the Woody, Annie, Daddy, and Mama

- Sunday evening Mark and I had a car date. We had to run to the grocery for one item but since my parents had the kids, we stopped for a milkshake and took a drive. It was a wonderful $10 recharge!

- Cassidy texted one night to let me know that Ibotta was giving away FREE Thanksgiving dinners from Walmart. I quickly hopped on and placed an order. There was a $35 minimum so I made sure to check out additional items that had $4.50 in rebates. Because it was the middle of the week and I redeemed so many rewards Ibotta gave me an additional $5. I referred a friend and earned an additional $10. In short, THEY PAID ME OVER $3 for $36 worth of items! Join Ibotta to save money too! 

Our FREE Thanksgiving themed meal.
I also purchased yogurt and laundry detergent and thanks
to Ibotta is was ALL FREE!

- We borrowed the materials we needed for school from the library. I love our amazing local libraries and we enjoy borrowing books, CDs, DVDs, etc for both school and pleasure from the library every week!

We had a nice, low key week. We are looking forward to a nice, long weekend!

Happy Savings to All! 

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