Friday, December 2, 2022

Frugal Friday 470

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- We spent Thanksgiving - Saturday in Evansville. We had a great visit with family there. I enjoyed a window shopping trip/coffee date with Mama, the kids each had a one-on-one date with their Aunt Lu, and Mark and I snuck in a coffee/shopping date on Shop Small Saturday. We enjoyed Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family and it was especially special for me to have our kids play with my cousins kids. It was the first time we've had all six together which was wonderful! 

- We had scheduled to put up our Christmas decor after church on Sunday. We got home and Mark said he didn't feel like getting the ladder out, getting the tree out of the attic, etc. So the kids and I put up the Advent calendar, Nativity, etc and then Mark came in from the garage to surprise us with a REAL tree! I often had one growing up and he has always wanted one. It was such a fun surprise for us! 

Our first real tree!
It's been such a treat!

- Last weekend was a big shopping weekend: Black Friday, Shop Small Saturday, and Cyber Monday. I always say that things are only a good deal if you NEED them. We did some window shopping Black Friday but didn't buy anything. We did Shop Small at Lula Mae's and Dwell in Darmstadt. We purchased two Christmas gifts and local coffee/breakfast. As for Cyber Monday, I did splurge on an item I've had my eye on forever! I was able to save over 50% so I decided to support their small business and finally buy it. It's Disney related so we'll just have to go back soon so I can wear it.

- Instead of donating to a charity for Giving Tuesday, we shopped for the Angel Tree at our church. Each of the kids had chosen tags that said "Craft Kit - Ages 10-14." They really enjoyed walking the aisles of the store and looking for the perfect kits. We also sorted through our Christmas decor and will also be donating gently used items to a project at church. 

- We ate our meals at home this week. It was a hectic week and it would have been MUCH easier to stop for fast food but we opted not to. Mark and I also chose to cook-in for our date night this week. Mark made pork chops, green bean casserole, and stuffing. It was great and obviously way more affordable than eating out.

- Yesterday was our co-op's Christmas party. As part of the celebrations, we had a Craft/Small Business Bazaar. Annabeth and Mark made scrunchies for her to sell and I took along some of my Usborne and Kane Miller books. Annabeth nearly sold out of scrunchies and I sold a good bit of stocking stuffer type books. The kids had the most wonderful time playing games, eating snacks, and completing STEAM Christmas activities.
Ready for Christmas!
Owen and I wore our Christmas shirts from our Disney Trip
Annabeth is on Year #4 for her sweater, a gift from Angie O'Leary 
and Year 2 for her dress which was thrifted.

- Last night Annabeth attended a Brick Bot class at a local library. She has loved this series of free classes. 

We are looking forward to a fun weekend with more free activities at our local libraries and time with family. 

Happy Savings to All! 

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