Friday, November 8, 2013

Frugal Fridays 12

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely this week:

- We continued tracking our Kellogg's Rewards, Pampers Points, and Swagbucks.

- We finished our FREE fall photoshoot as Mark and I played photographers instead of hiring one. We estimate this saved at least $200.

- We shopped a sale at Gymboree and were able to find this year's Christmas pjs, the end of Annabeth's Christmas gift, and next year's Halloween costume and shirts. The whole store was 30% off PLUS a kind lady shared a coupon that saved us an additional 20% off that price! Saved: $75!

- We enjoyed a free day at the Children's Museum thanks to friends who shared the +2 on their membership with Annabeth and me. Saved: $32

- Mark's parents gave us 3 free bottles of apple juice. Saved: $3

- We at some creative dinners

- As we are still eating venison from our deep freeze from last season's hunt, Mark took some to work to share with a family who has eaten all of theirs already. We feel so blessed to have enough for ourselves AND enough to share!

- I did my own haircut and color. I spent just $6.49 on the color. Saved: $83.51

- I homemade two hairbows for Annabeth using clips and ribbon we already had on hand.

Total Saved: $393.51

What have you been doing to save money?

Happy Savings to All!

"Buy Used and Save the Difference"

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