Friday, February 4, 2022

Frugal Friday 429

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Mark had a sale in his Etsy shop! He mailed this purchase all the way to Washington State. This is the third state that he has sold items to. We look forward to counting down all 50!

- I listed and sold several Disney items from Annabeth's closet as well as my own. We're already putting money away towards this year's vacation and this will go in that envelope.

- Saturday we made a family grocery run to Costco. So far, we are very pleased with the money we have been saving on some of our favorite items. We are always thankful when stores carry safe items for our family and are happy to give them a shout-out when they do.

- Sunday afternoon we took lunch to Mark's mom. Annabeth made orange chicken, Japanese noodles, rice, and egg rolls. We spent the afternoon playing Dominoes from 0-15. It was great fun!

- Monday afternoon we dropped Cards for a Cause boxes at our dance studio and a friend picked up her set from her medical fundraiser. Combined everyone earned over $250! Ask me today about running your own Cards for a Cause Fundraiser.

- A friend is reorganizing her wellness, skincare, and cleaning products. She had boxes of unopened products and asked about where to donate them. We were able to donate to a free little pantry, the food pantry at our church, and passed along some items to a family member. Thank you T for sharing with others!

- Tuesday the kids and I enjoyed Homeschool Day at the Capitol thanks to IAHE. I purchased our parking via an app but when we arrived at the garage the scanner was broken. I had to take a ticket instead. At the exit, the scanner wouldn't take my app barcode since I hadn't checked in with it. I had to pay the $15 parking. Thankfully, I was able to get a refund from the app ($10.75) So I did spend more than I had planned on parking BUT we chose the cheapest garage, walked, and didn't spend the $40+ it would have been to park closer. 

3/4 of the Riley Family School 
enjoying our beautiful Statehouse

We were leaving at the same time as Gov. Holcomb. 
The kids were so well behaved shaking his hand, thanking him for his service, 
and talking to him about Franklin. We are proud to pray for our leaders.

- Tuesday evening Mark, Owen, and their Cub Scout Pack enjoyed the Holcomb Observatory at Butler University. Their tour was paid for by the pack and they had a great field trip.

- In January, we always seem to do a lot of baking/cooking from scratch. This week's special items: Chicken Pot Pie, Annabeth made homemade chocolate fudge, Owen made homemade blueberry cobbler with homemade whipped cream, and I made Excellent Pound Cake. I was feeling especially homesick last weekend and thought of that special cake that Momaw and Mama make. I made it for the first time ever and just like that I was 8 years old in my Momaw's kitchen eating on the counter. 

- We had a ice/snow storm come through Wednesday night into Thursday so all of our Wednesday and Thursday activities were cancelled. This saved us the fee we pay for private lessons as well as quite a bit of gas as we had cancelled activities in several towns. 

We are looking forward to the weekend, despite bitterly cold temperatures in the forecast. 

Happy Savings to All! 

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