Friday, May 20, 2022

Frugal Friday 444

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday morning we stopped at Nana's Daylight Donuts. We picked up a half-dozen for the kids' friend K who was celebrating her 9th birthday. We dropped them off with a cute note for her. We also got a dozen for the weekend as we had my parents visiting. They were all free as we had a giftcard.

- Saturday we were at the kids' last dance regional from 7 AM - 9 PM. It was a very long dance day. I packed lunches, snacks, and water so we did not buy any concessions at the venue. Annabeth did take along some money and chose to buy some little toys at from the dance company. 

- My parents did treat us to dinner between dances at Enzo pizza. We finished a rewards card so we will have $5 off our next visit.

- Sunday we went to late church and then enjoyed a Gratitude Luncheon. This was the first bbq meal/outdoor meal that our church has had since the pandemic began. We celebrated 57 years of church history with an emphasis on being thankful that our mortgage is finally paid off! The church's founding pastor and his wife visited as well as conference superintendent Dr. Fulbright. We had a wonderful catered lunch, music from Leta Gentry, a ukulele club played praise music, and we even had someone play the bagpipes. It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon! 

Owen REALLY enjoyed the church picnic.
He ate two plates of chicken wings and mac and cheese.
He was also the most interested in the music. 

- After the luncheon, we went to the mall for Mama and Dad to gift Owen his Christmas gift. They treated him to a stuffed animal and some accessories from Build a Bear. He was SO happy!

- After the mall trip, we came home to learn a new card game (Countdown) and shared BLT's for dinner before they drove home. As they left, we returned several items that they had let us borrow. I also had cleaned out my closet and passed on several purses to Mama and Lu. Each week we have more and more items leaving out home so they can be used/loved elsewhere. 

- Tuesday evening Annabeth had the fun of meeting llamas at her 4H meeting. We had a great Q&A and meet and great with the llamas. 

- Mark had another sale in his Etsy shop

- A friend listed a camping item on Facebook Marketplace. Mark had been looking at the Disc O Bed cots for camping for a while but we had not made the purchase due to pricing. They are $430 new and we were able to buy very gently used for $200. These are cots that we can use or the kids can use so they are a great value for us!

- I sold several items that we are no longer using. I made more than enough to cover the cost of the cots and for a summer class for Annabeth. 

- I made $7 doing a quick survey for the Nielson Survey group. These come in the mail every now and then. I love doing them because they are quick and free to mail back. 

- Wednesday night we had a free ice cream date. Our favorite ice creams were buy one, get one free at Meijer. We also used a $3 off your order coupon and a $1.50 off your order coupon AND got $2.60 cashback from Ibotta. This meant they PAID US $2.00 for buying the ice cream. 

- We are checking on a friends' house/getting mail for them for the next couple of weeks. When they brought their keys by they generously brought us bags of produce that would spoil while they are gone. Thank you all - this really helped our grocery budget this week!

We are looking forward to a busy weekend spent with great friends!

Happy Savings to All!

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