Friday, February 24, 2023

Frugal Friday 482

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Last Friday, Owen and I had a day date at Mesker Park Zoo in Evansville. Their zoo is SO affordable - admission was just $17 for each of us. We spent an additional $10 on tokens so we could feed the penguins. We only saw six other guests the whole time we were there. It was SUCH a treat to have whole buildings to ourselves and to feed the penguins and have a 20 minute session alone with them. We also spent over 90 minutes with "Owen's" rhino. We watched him for a while, went away, and came back to find the zookeepers giving him a bellyrub. Owen was in heaven!

In high school, my friends always froze with me at the zoo for my birthday. 
It was special to share this tradition with Mr. O. 
It was 32 and flurrying so very cold indeed!

He LOVES penguins. This was the first time we'd been to Mesker Park
since they added them. It was a fun surprise for him. 

He was nervous but oh-so-happy to feed the penguins. 

With his rhino.
The hours we've spent watching it are countless.

- While we enjoyed our zoo day, Annabeth had a special afternoon with Grandmama. They did some beading and visited the library.

- Saturday we spent the day in Owensboro. We picked up lunch and enjoyed the day with my Momaw and Uncle Lance. I never take for granted the precious time I have with family.

- It's hard to believe it was snowing while in Evansville because by the time we got home this week it's been in the 60s (even hit 70 one day!) and sunny! We had a very hard time staying focused on bookwork as it felt like spring!! We made sure to get over a dozen hours outside in this week. It was lovely for February!!

- Mark and I treated ourselves to dinner out for our birthdays. It was our first time eating out together since around Halloween. We went to a favorite local place and felt the inflation increase even there. Our usual meal was $8 more than last fall. We did enjoy our time together but it made us happy that we had been faithful in eating at home all winter.

Frugal Financial Fail/Wise Time Success: This week I notified my boss at the kids' sale that I won't be express tagging this spring. I have express tagged 10 sales or so. This has been a GREAT source of income for our family and has made several vacations much easier/bigger over the years. That being said, last year the sale was VERY stressful for me as I am now working two part-time jobs in addition to homeschooling the kids. The spring sale also falls on the busiest week of the homeschool co-op that I am leading this year. In the end, I knew something had to go and it was the thing I could let go of for this season. 

The kids have their first dance competition of the season this weekend. We are ready to watch our SDA family take the stage!

Happy Savings to All! 

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