Friday, May 10, 2024

Frugal Friday 539

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday night, after O's baseball game, we drove south for the weekend. We enjoyed Saturday in Owensboro for my Momaw's annual Kentucky Derby Party. This is the one time a year that we bet money and we, thankfully, won back what we put in the pots and O came out a BIG winner with a $60 win. While we would never bet money in a casino or online, we have decided that as a family this one time a year would be okay. We put in $20 as a family and even if we lose, one of our aunts/uncles/cousins has the fun of wining. 

I skipped the Derby hat this year in favor of this fun headband.
Annabeth and I got this headband, and another mint green one, 
on clearance last month and I hadn't worn it yet. Instead of having an item
that wasn't being used, I decided Derby was the day. 

Annabeth in her homemade Derby Hat.
She's been repurposing this pink hat for several years. 
This year she went for a Mad Hatter theme and used a tea set
that she hand painted. Thank you Auntie Jenn for this set several Christmases ago. 

- Sunday we drove back to Owensboro to celebrate Momaw's 94th birthday! I am so thankful for so much time with her and that she's able to still live at home and really be part of everyone's lives. A dear friend lost her grandma this week and it made me even more appreciate the time that I have had with mine.

- The weather here seems to be warm/hot for the season so we went ahead and did a little thrift shop for the last remaining items the kids needed - shorts. Both had plenty of shirts and Annabeth had dresses/skirts but each just needed some basic shorts for the season. We found three pairs and paid $12 out of pocket for name brand, like-new shorts.

- I used a coupon for a free coffee at Scooters. Saved: $6.15

- Monday I did a big clean out of our fridge and pantry. I was very happy to only throw four items away - one almost empty container  (expired) of grits, two strawberries, and one cutie orange. While I would have loved zero food waste, I was thankful that was all. I did find some forgotten Easter candy in the back of the pantry. As Easter was more than a month ago and we hadn't chosen to eat it, I donated it to a little free pantry.

- Tuesday we had a "Lazy Summer Day." Each summer I try to give the kids some 90's Summer Days like I remember as a kid. A day where PJs stay on as long as the kids want them to, lots of TV, no agenda, no errands, and no chores. The kids watched tons of the new Lego Challenge show, read books, played games, and enjoyed having a true day off. We don't have any more days in May that can be that simple so I was happy to be able to give it to them once.

- Wednesday I took a Disney Cruise Line Webinar. Our family schedule doesn't allow for me to do many in person trainings due to cost and time of travel so I make a point to take as many free online classes as I can. I know this allows me to continue serving my clients well.

- Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party tickets released on Wednesday morning. I booked these tickets for clients already booked for Fall Break. I also helped new clients book their Fall Break trips. Are you looking for travel assistance in 2024 or 2025? Just let me know - my services are free!

- A specialist that I see asked me to serve on his office's Patient Advisory Board. I enjoyed my first meeting with that board this week. There are 12 of us and it was great to meet with other people in the community and the doctors in the office. They treated us to a lovely meal, snacks, and a fun goodie-bag as a thank you. I LOVE goodie-bags and receiving so many great items was a fun prize for 2 hours of my time. I especially appreciated that it was customized for my specific needs so all of the samples are items I can benefit from. 

We are looking forward to a big weekend of dance and Mother's Day! We are so thankful for our mothers and grandmothers and the ways they impacted our lives.

Happy Savings to All! 

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