Friday, May 17, 2024

Frugal Friday 540

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Last Friday Annabeth had an appointment with her allergist. These appointments are long and our tradition has always been Starbucks on the way home. We don't stop for treats very often and it's always been so nice to be able to give her this big treat after long, emotional appointments. I did use a giftcard making it free. 

Annual Starbucks Date.
Thankful for a clean bill of health from the allergist
great, safe service at our local Starbucks. 

- Friday night was our night to take snacks to Owen's baseball team. There are 12 kids and I quickly found many kids' snacks/drinks come in 10 packs. Goldfish had a dozen so they were the winner. I did have to also buy two Capri Sun boxes. Thankfully all of it still came in under $10. 

- Saturday was the kids' last dance regional. I used the rest of my Starbucks giftcard to get coffee for Mark, my dad, and myself since we had a 5 AM wake-up. We packed in lunches and had a great time watching the kids' dances look the very best of the season! 

Annabeth in her Jazz Costume

- Saturday night my sister was also in town, we made "Vacation Pasta" for dinner, and had a fun evening. My dad took Owen to baseball, the girls watched HGTV while eating ice cream, and then once we all got home we drove out to the country to see if we could see the Northern Lights. Unfortuntately, we did not see them at all. 

- Mark worked Saturday afternoon into Sunday morning. He earned overtime for these hours.

- Sunday was Mother's Day. We spent the morning at church, Mark made cheesebread for lunch, and we had a great last few hours visiting with my dad and sister. After they left for Evansville, we went to Mark's mom's house to celebrate her. The boys put together a taco bar for dinner and then we did work out in the yard. Mark and Owen also borrowed a tool so they could craft Owen's pinewood derby car for an upcoming race.

- Tuesday evening Mark and Owen had tickets to the Indianapolis Indians game with O's Cub Scout Pack. Due to the rain the game was postponed so they received tickets to come back to another game this season. The boys ended up just heading over to Boy Scouts for the night instead. 

- We continued cleaning out small spaces around the house for our 2,024 in 2024 Decluttering challenge. None of us felt like a big project this week so I challenged us to do little spaces like a drawer or desk here and there. I think the kids are still enjoying it and I don't want to push too hard since we are already half-way done.

- We had a busy week but remained committed to eating meals at home. For week-night dinners we had: pizza rolls/fruit/veggies (we're real people, sometimes even the grown ups want pizza rolls), Chicken Penne Alfredo, Homemade Broccoli Cheese Soup with Homemade Bread, and Ham/Mashed Potatoes/Peas. Our grocery budget for the week was $87.

- Last night I had our first co-op meeting of the year for moms. We meet in May, plan over the summer, and then return to class in the fall. If you are in a group, go to a church, etc I highly encourage you to be in prayer for your leaders. They are pouring hours of work and prayer into your group. Work that no one seems to see, everyone wants to comment on, and that can feel so fruitless. Work to be encouraging to leaders and be in prayer for everyone involved.

We are looking forward to a fun week ahead and I'll see you back here in 2 weeks after a social media break!

Happy Savings to All! 

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