Friday, July 26, 2024

My Week Alone

 My Week Alone.

Yes! You read that correctly, Annabeth has been gone to the grandparents since Saturday and the boys have been camping since Sunday. 

I have been blessed with a glorious week alone. To myself. I have tried to enjoy this time to finish projects, start and finish other projects, and to ready myself for the busy school year ahead.

The past two years have been busy, far too busy, and I have been slowly pulling away from commitments to better focus my time, energy, and emotions. 

When the kids were little I joined Usborne Books & More, then I became a Team Leader, then I took on teaching in our co-op, then I added serving on the leadership board of the co-op, then I added my travel business all while being a homemaker, wife, mama, homeschool teacher, and working part time each fall and spring for a kids' sale. I was overworked, overtired, overcomitted and not doing anything very well at all.

Last December, I gave up leadership with UBAM. In the spring, I wrapped up my BIG two years of leadership in our co-op and will return to classroom this year. This summer I have said "no" to many offers and have really cut down on what I am doing outside of our home. My eventual goal is to work a job I love and circle back to "just" homemaking and home-educating. 

This week I used my time alone to do a massive clean-out of my closet, emptying every item and really deciding what needed to stay, I worked my book business and my travel business as much as possible to get ahead while it wasn't taking away from the kids and Mark, and then I did have fun having dinner with friends. Yesterday, I went down to the lake to visit with a dear friend and had a long phone chat with my best friend last night as well. 

I am so thankful for this week to spend a lot of time working on the house, praying, looking ahead at homeschool goals, and preparing to be better in my home than I am out in the world. 

Happy Weekend to All! 

A Wednesday Night Rainbow

Friday, July 19, 2024

Frugal Friday 546

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Saturday we had a rest and reset day. After being away for a week, we all needed some space and quiet. The boys ran a few errands, I did some housework, and then we just rested. Mark used the new smoker to make chicken and macaroni and cheese for dinner which was great. 

- Sunday after church, we headed to the fair. The kids had seven projects this year and did a great job! Annabeth earned a red, blue/honor group, reserve champion, and champion in Indiana Heritage. It's Owen's first year in 'big' 4H and he earned two blues and a GRAND champion in Auto/Truck. Both kids really applied themselves this year and worked on their projects ahead of time which showed great growth in their time management skills. We parked a friend's house so it was a free outing! Thanks Ann. 

- After the fair, we went to Mark's mom's for dinner. She and Luke made everything for nachos which was great! We all loved playing with the kids and are so thankful for our family.

- As we unpacked from vacation, we also sorted the kids' dance costumes. Owen had several pieces that can transition to every day wear including a t-shirt, shorts, and both pairs of tennis shoes. We had used a baseball belt for one of the costumes so that went back into the baseball tote. Annabeth is opting to keep three of hers from this year as she may use them again for a specialty. The one is she is ready to part with I am cleaning and preparing to list for sale. 

This was Ananbeth's lyrical group dance this year - "Oceans"
We both LOVE this costume and are excited to save it back
to possibly use again in the future. 

- Monday evening was the kids' dance banquet. This is an evening they look forward to all season. Since I knew we would just be getting back into town, I opted to donate 2-liters vs making food items. This was a great time saver and much needed. 

- We spent $65 on groceries this week. Our dinners at home were: smoked chicken/mac and cheese/green beans, eggs/sausage/homemade biscuits/fruit, homemade pizza and salad, and salad with grilled chicken. 

- One of my Express Taggers is very organized and was all ready for me to get to tagging. She dropped off items this week and I look forward to getting everything ready for her next week. I am so thankful for this part time job that makes our vacations possible! 

- I booked a hotel for our last weekend away for the year. I shopped across four sites and compared website prices with Ibotta cashback prices. I was able to get the best deal shopping directly with the hotel company (saving $55 from anywhere else online) and am going to earn 14% cashback with Ibotta

- We hit 1500 items on our clean out sheet! Once we saw we were close, Annabeth and I buzzed around cleaning out a few drawers so we could hit that number this week.  It has been so incredibly freeing to LET GO!

- As we have been getting rid of things, we've also been really thinking about what we bring into the house. I noticed that the kids were much more choosy while on vacation as to what they "had" to buy and they are also taking less free items at fairs and things. As for the adults, Mark and I noticed that we've been buying so much less. In cleaning out, we saw how much money we've really wasted in so many areas. I look forward to saving that money in the future as we learn that lesson from our past. 

We are looking forward to a busy, fun, and unusual week (at least for me) next week!

Happy Savings to All! 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Fun and Frugal - Pigeon Forge Trip 2024

 We spent Saturday, July 6 to Friday, July 12 in Pigeon Forge, TN for the Applause Dance Nationals.

As a frugal blogger and Travel Advisor, I thought it might be fun to share how we saved money while traveling. 

We stayed at a condo owned by the same owner as last year's condo. This year we were on the 7th floor (vs 1st floor last year) in a condo with two bedrooms (one king and two doubles), two bathrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen. This set up works really well for us as we work/do school from the condo, have both a boy and a girl and we feel they are too old to share a bed anymore, and we prefer to cook most of our meals vs eating out. We did spend about $500 more than we would have in a hotel room but the pros outweigh the cons for us. Our complex had a walking trail, playground, and two pools so it provided a lot of the recreation for the week.

What a gorgeous mountain view!
This is from our condo balcony looking towards Gatlingburg

Here's what we spent and how we saved money in Pigeon Forge!

Day One: Travel Day from Indiana to Pigeon Forge

We left after breakfast, ate packed lunches on the road, and got into our condo around 5 PM. I made a quick run to Walmart for our groceries for the week. We let the kids pick the dinner menu and they chose: pizza rolls, vacation pasta, black bean tacos, and chicken nuggets + Mac and cheese. I also grabbed breakfast sandwiches - a vacation favorite because we don't have a microwave at home and ice cream. Unfortunately the store was really crowded, many items were unavailable or only the name brand was available, so I did spend more than we wanted - $130 for the week. 

Day Two: Duet Day

Annabeth had her duet on this morning. She and Soph rocked it and earned a Double Platinum. Mark did splurge on coffees at the convention center - $18

We had our one eat out meal of the trip. The kids chose to eat at Big Daddy's Pizzeria. It's part of the Johnson Family of Restaurants that are AMAZING with food allergies and this store is completely peanut and treenut free!! - $50+tip

Day Three: Free Day

The kids each had an activity they really wanted to do this year and they happened to be different. We split up for the morning to make everyone happy.

Annabeth and I hit the outlet mall. She loves Simply Southern and I was amazed with their outlet deal! She got four shirts for $25! We also hit up the Lululemon where she got a dance top at 50% off retail. We typically buy a new outfit for dance auditions and she was excited to pick her own. Spent $34

While we shopped at the outlet mall, the boys went to Smoky Mountain Knifeworks. Owen had taken along some spending money and bought himself a knife. Mark also purchased an Eagle gift for an upcoming Eagle Award recepient. I won't include those totals here as they came from Owen's piggy bank and our seperate gift budget.

In the afternoon, Owen and I went out to a couple of silly souvenier shops. We had passed them many times last year but Mark hates them and never wants to stop. O and I went also and checked out the live sharks and alligators. We did find him the perfect souvenier - a hide-and-seek champion shirt with a Big Foot. Spent $10

While out at the stores, we found a Great American Cookie Company. This is my absolute favorite cookie place, and they aren't near us, so we grabbed cookies for the week. Spent $25

For dinner, we headed over to a friend's pool for a birthday party. The kids and I had pizza there and they loved swimming with so many dance friends. 

Day Four: Dance Day 

The kids had three of their group dances. All had their best performances of the season! They all earned Double Platinums. We did not spend any money this day as we packed in lunch and had dinner at the condo. 

Day Five: Dance Day

We had another long dance day. The kids had their final two group dances, both earned Elite Platinums, and were both 1st Overall in their categories! 

We were wiped after a long day and Mark surprised us with a trip to Publix for Pub Subs! IYKYK. Spent - $50

Day Six: Best of the Best

The kids got to recompete for Best of the Best with "Oceans" and "Disco Style." This is really the big finish on the dance year and we are so proud of them for each having a dance to make it to Best of the Best. 

While every dance convention and competition have merch, we only buy the kids ONE shirt each year. They always get to pick at Nationals and can choose a Nationals shirt early in the week or wait and see if they make it to Best of the Best and they can choose that one. We do not set a price limit on this since we only buy one all year. Since they both made it to Best of the Best, they both chose those shirts. - $50

Day Seven: The Drive Home

We had originally planned a long drive home through West Virginia stopping at a special museum along the way. The drive was going to round out at about 8.5 hours total with the museum stop at over $100. In the end, we decided to save the time, gas, and money and to do that trip another time.

We did make a stop just off the interstate in Kentucky, about halfway, at Fort Boonesborough. It was $26 for us to get in and we spent $15 at the gift shop. The kids loved seeing the fort and we appreciated that it was staffed with reinactors really educating about the time period. We really loved that the cabins all have AC which was wonderful on a 95 degree day. We did grab a bit of a gas station lunch for $22.

Total Spent (excluding the condo cost and 2.5 tanks of gas): $440

Overall, I think we did a good job managing our budget. Here are some closing thoughts...

Frugal Win: We did hire a dog/house sitter for the week BUT Mark and I have been doing some chores for a neighbor this summer. We had not planned on being paid/did not ask to be paid but twice they have left money for us. This covered our dog sitter fee and allowed us to even pay her more than usual! 

We definitely went over budget at the grocery (we typically only spend $80-90/week at home) but we ate everything perishable and brought back the pantry goods to eat here. Our pizza meal and Pub Subs were nearly the cost of a whole week of food for those two meals so it's obvious it was worth it to cook at the condo the rest of the trip!

If you have been to PF or Gatlinburg, you know they are both very very very expensive. Last year, we did one eat out meal and one tourist stop that the kids both agreed on. We had planned to do that this year but there just wasn't one thing they had to do. As we drove along the main drag, they commented that everything looked "cool" but forgot about it as soon as they saw the next fancy building. In the end, it was nice to take them shopping for items they will use or wear all year vs a one time, overpriced, experience. 

It did help that we were there last year for Nationals and we will be back next year for Nationals. Knowing we are going to return helped us feel like we could put some things back for next year.

For Mark and I, the main goal this year was to allow the kids to have some fun, get away, enjoy the dance experience, but to stay around $500 in expenses outside of the condo. We have a big, fun trip planned for early 2025 and that's where we really want to put our vacation savings. The kids are soooo excited for that trip, have been saving their own money, and have been making their own plans. In order to travel outside of the dance year, we have to be frugal about how we travel during the dance year.

Lastly, I've often been asked if we shared vacation budgets with our kids. While we never say numbers, but we do say things like "That's outside of our budget" or "Let's put that on next year's list." For us, these dance trips are very fun but our focus is really on the kids' performances! We put them to bed on time, they eat meals similar to what they eat at home, we get good rest leading up to dance time, because our kids need those things to perform well. They understand that competitive dance is expensive and that we all make sacrifices of finances, time, energy, etc to help them achieve their goals. We can't wait to see where their passions take us next and by budgeting carefully we know we can make it all happen!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Frugal Friday 545

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday after Annabeth's dance show, we drove down to Charlestown. We spent the night with our best friends and had a great time swimming, playing outdoors, using their neighborhood's waterslide, and talking like crazy!  We divvied up food assignments so we brought: Coffee Crossing treats, veggies, chips, cookies, bacon, and our own lunch sandwiches. They served dinner, pancakes with breakfast, had lunch items on hand, and made us awesome rice krispies. I love our precious time together!

- While the kids and I were away, Mark pulled the trigger and bought a smoker. We had money put aside for some outside projects this year and had hemmed and hawed about buying a new grill, a smoker, or maybe some outdoor furniture but after talking with our friends about their smoker we decided that was the way to go. Mark made a pork loin and it was fantastic! It also made for great leftovers all the way through Tuesday.

- Sunday after church we had Mark's mom over for lunch. She kindly agreed to drive down and brought lunch with her. Thank you!

- Sunday evening Annabeth enjoyed a s'more roast at church for the youth. If you're local and have a 7th-12th grader looking for a small youth group - let me know - we'd love to have you!

- Monday we started school! I can't hardly believe it's time but both kids jumped right in and made 100% on their math work this week. I love when the review is simple and I don't have to reteach anything lost from summer break!

First Day of School Pictures

- Monday evening Mark and I did have a little date. Both kids had dance at the same time, for the first time since January, so we had dinner at the Willard. Owen ended up forgetting something at home so I had to leave dinner early to grab it but we did have about 30 minutes alone! 

- Tuesday after school, we sorted through Annabeth's closet. Things had gotten a bit wild in there and I wanted to get it under control. She was very decisive and pulled out about 20 items to pass on. We also discovered she is down to just two leotards - so I took advantage of a 20% off and free shipping sale online to get her two new ones for next year. 

- Mark's friend Levi sews like Mark and has several machines. He was ready to pass one of them on so Mark picked it up for Annabeth. She has been learning to sew and had fun making little bags this week with fabric we already had on hand. It's a very nice machine and we were thankful to have it for free!

- I had two coupon wins this week - they have been harder and harder to come by. I found $3 eyelashes for Nationals and got a party box of Drumstick ice cream cones for $3.99. Both felt like huge wins! 

- Yesterday we celebrated July 4th with the Rileys. We took along chips and corn dip, baked beans, watermelon, and chocolate zucchini bars. I have been cooking from the Hope's Table  cookbook and every single recipe has been a win with the family! The zucchini bars were from her book and well loved yesterday. 

2,024 in 2024 Update: We have parted ways with 1470 items! It didn't really feel like we made this project much of a goal this month but when comparing to last month's stats, we still got rid of nearly 200 items! We do have a pile of items in the garage that we have listed on Marketplace and are hoping to sell vs just donating. I'm trying to decide how long to let them linger before the space is more valuable than the money that might come from them. 

Looking forward to a fun week ahead! Happy Savings to All! 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Why We Start School in July

 It's July 1st which means today is our first day of the new school year!

Annabeth is in 8th grade and Owen is in 4th grade. 

Although I've literally been there for every single moment of their school years, I cannot believe we are already here! What a joy it is to do school together. 

We have been going back to school in July since Annabeth's Kindergarten year. That year we began July 20 and have slowly pushed it up until consistently starting the first week of July. 

WHY? people ask. 

We begin our school year on July 1st because...

- In Indiana, the legal school year runs July 1 - June 30 meaning any days in between can be school days. While not legally defined, our family chooses to run the required number of days of our local school district. 

- By beginning in July, even though we typically travel some during this month, we set up our school year strong. It's not unusual to have at least 12-15 school days completed before the month is out. This gives us much more flexibility come fall when the weather is cooler and nicer. I found over the years, that most of our fall school weeks end up being 4 day weeks due to visiting family and friends, scout camp, and some church oppotunitieis. By begining our school year early and stacking our days, I don't feel stressed or worried about making many school weeks shorter in the fall. 

- I have always had the goal of ending our school year before we head to Kentucky for Derby (the 1st Saturday in May) By the time July rolls around, we've been out of school for two months. While the kids do some math and reading over our summer there is still a less formal set-up around here. I have found that by the end of the two months, they are squabbling more, having a harder time finding things to occupy their time, and that they are generally ready to get back into the swing of school.

- July is very hot here. I found early on that we would run errands or meet up at the park with friends in the morning and were always home by noon any way. In those early, play date, summers I would simply shift school to the afternoon when we were inside during the heat of the day anyway. 

We do not begin our school year on July 1st because...

- We are showing off or trying to get ahead of anyone else. Often new homeschoolers will say to me, "Wow! I wish I could get organized that early." Good news! You don't have to! This is our schedule that works perfectly for our family - yours may look different.

- I want to cut short my kids' summers. They have a full two months off from school and those two months are filled with long lazy days, movie marathons, VBS, dance camps, playdates, pool days, etc. Their summers look like every other kids. When July does roll around, we still take time off from bookwork for dance nationals and scout camp. They have plenty of flexibility to not be tasked with bookwork on top of those busy weeks. 

We began our homeschooling journey with Annabeth's Preschool-for-2s year and thus we are in our 12th year of schooling at home. I am forever thankful that Mark agreed to this wild ride and for all of the work he has done to make it possible for me to be home all of these years. I am thankful for both PaperPie and Magical Vacation Planner and their goodness in helping their employees work from home. I have loved building businesses while my kids have been at the same table setting themselves up for success in adulthood. 

Four years ago I shared our homeschool goals in a post and they remain the same today:

My Goals in Homeschooling OUR Children
1. I want my children to learn to love the Lord and to love others.
2. I want my children to serve others, putting others needs before their own.
3. I want my children to be dependable, responsible, kind, and to have great initiative.
4. I want my children love ALL people at ALL times.
5. I want my children to have a life long love of learning and to desire to learn and grow through adulthood.

Whether today is the first day of your new school year or you're still enjoying summer, I pray it is one you enjoy with your family! :) 

Riley Family Homeschool
Teacher, 8th grader, and 4th grader