Friday, July 5, 2024

Frugal Friday 545

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday after Annabeth's dance show, we drove down to Charlestown. We spent the night with our best friends and had a great time swimming, playing outdoors, using their neighborhood's waterslide, and talking like crazy!  We divvied up food assignments so we brought: Coffee Crossing treats, veggies, chips, cookies, bacon, and our own lunch sandwiches. They served dinner, pancakes with breakfast, had lunch items on hand, and made us awesome rice krispies. I love our precious time together!

- While the kids and I were away, Mark pulled the trigger and bought a smoker. We had money put aside for some outside projects this year and had hemmed and hawed about buying a new grill, a smoker, or maybe some outdoor furniture but after talking with our friends about their smoker we decided that was the way to go. Mark made a pork loin and it was fantastic! It also made for great leftovers all the way through Tuesday.

- Sunday after church we had Mark's mom over for lunch. She kindly agreed to drive down and brought lunch with her. Thank you!

- Sunday evening Annabeth enjoyed a s'more roast at church for the youth. If you're local and have a 7th-12th grader looking for a small youth group - let me know - we'd love to have you!

- Monday we started school! I can't hardly believe it's time but both kids jumped right in and made 100% on their math work this week. I love when the review is simple and I don't have to reteach anything lost from summer break!

First Day of School Pictures

- Monday evening Mark and I did have a little date. Both kids had dance at the same time, for the first time since January, so we had dinner at the Willard. Owen ended up forgetting something at home so I had to leave dinner early to grab it but we did have about 30 minutes alone! 

- Tuesday after school, we sorted through Annabeth's closet. Things had gotten a bit wild in there and I wanted to get it under control. She was very decisive and pulled out about 20 items to pass on. We also discovered she is down to just two leotards - so I took advantage of a 20% off and free shipping sale online to get her two new ones for next year. 

- Mark's friend Levi sews like Mark and has several machines. He was ready to pass one of them on so Mark picked it up for Annabeth. She has been learning to sew and had fun making little bags this week with fabric we already had on hand. It's a very nice machine and we were thankful to have it for free!

- I had two coupon wins this week - they have been harder and harder to come by. I found $3 eyelashes for Nationals and got a party box of Drumstick ice cream cones for $3.99. Both felt like huge wins! 

- Yesterday we celebrated July 4th with the Rileys. We took along chips and corn dip, baked beans, watermelon, and chocolate zucchini bars. I have been cooking from the Hope's Table  cookbook and every single recipe has been a win with the family! The zucchini bars were from her book and well loved yesterday. 

2,024 in 2024 Update: We have parted ways with 1470 items! It didn't really feel like we made this project much of a goal this month but when comparing to last month's stats, we still got rid of nearly 200 items! We do have a pile of items in the garage that we have listed on Marketplace and are hoping to sell vs just donating. I'm trying to decide how long to let them linger before the space is more valuable than the money that might come from them. 

Looking forward to a fun week ahead! Happy Savings to All! 

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