Friday, July 26, 2024

My Week Alone

 My Week Alone.

Yes! You read that correctly, Annabeth has been gone to the grandparents since Saturday and the boys have been camping since Sunday. 

I have been blessed with a glorious week alone. To myself. I have tried to enjoy this time to finish projects, start and finish other projects, and to ready myself for the busy school year ahead.

The past two years have been busy, far too busy, and I have been slowly pulling away from commitments to better focus my time, energy, and emotions. 

When the kids were little I joined Usborne Books & More, then I became a Team Leader, then I took on teaching in our co-op, then I added serving on the leadership board of the co-op, then I added my travel business all while being a homemaker, wife, mama, homeschool teacher, and working part time each fall and spring for a kids' sale. I was overworked, overtired, overcomitted and not doing anything very well at all.

Last December, I gave up leadership with UBAM. In the spring, I wrapped up my BIG two years of leadership in our co-op and will return to classroom this year. This summer I have said "no" to many offers and have really cut down on what I am doing outside of our home. My eventual goal is to work a job I love and circle back to "just" homemaking and home-educating. 

This week I used my time alone to do a massive clean-out of my closet, emptying every item and really deciding what needed to stay, I worked my book business and my travel business as much as possible to get ahead while it wasn't taking away from the kids and Mark, and then I did have fun having dinner with friends. Yesterday, I went down to the lake to visit with a dear friend and had a long phone chat with my best friend last night as well. 

I am so thankful for this week to spend a lot of time working on the house, praying, looking ahead at homeschool goals, and preparing to be better in my home than I am out in the world. 

Happy Weekend to All! 

A Wednesday Night Rainbow

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