Friday, August 16, 2024

Frugal Friday 549

Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday afternoon we picked up fresh sweet corn. After dinner, we proccessed 3 dozen ears of corn for the freezer. Last year we did two dozen which lasted about 6 months so we got more this year. Once we were on a roll, Mark checked an app and found a deal on peppers in Greenwood. He ran up and grabbed all they had. We were up until midnight and put up seven dozen bell peppers. Total Spent: $50 

- Saturday and Sunday Annabeth was at the dance studio for a convention. For the past several years, convention has been out of town requiring a hotel stay, gas money, dog sitting fees, Owen's class fees, and eat out food. We're saving over $1000 this season by having it in town! Our budget was thrilled! 

- Each year at the out-of-town convention, we got pizza and visited with friends. Even though we were in town, we still all got pizza together. Mark got the pizza, they brought dessert, and we had a great afternoon together. The dads and sons had fun with baseball practice out back and I got to spend the afternoon catching up with Melissa. 

- Last week, Annabeth and I found some HUGE savings on dancewear. We ordered everything she liked (7 items for $40 which is a steal in dance wear!) When everything arrived, the most expensive item didn't work. I quickly sold them to a friend and made back what I paid. 

- Mark ran over to Meijer Saturday night to get the tail end of a giftcard deal. This weekend it was $75 cash back on $500 giftcards. We each grocery shop seperately so we have two mPerks accounts. He bought giftcards on each mPerks account, totaling $150 in Meijer Cashback, and we paid off an upcoming trip with the gift-cards. 

- We typically grocery shop at WalMart as it's consistently the most affordable for what we need. Since we had $150 to spend at Meijer we went there instead. We got our usual groceries, found some fun sale items (like buy one, get one free flavored waters), purchased some items to make desserts for upcoming events we are attending, and we purchased juice to donate to the church. We each still have remaining Meijer credit that we will use in the weeks to come.

- We made several items from scratch this week - chocolate zucchini cake to take to a family lunch, butter biscuits, and birthday cookies. I did use our extra giftcard money to splurge on Sweet Loren's cookie dough for a ladies' event last night. Sweet Loren's is Top 14 free and our hostess has Celiac Disease. I do not keep dedicated gluten free equipment in our kitchen so I felt prebought dough would be the best way to keep her safe. 

- The kids and I enjoyed the PBS Series Victorian Slum House. Annabeth had a bit in her history book about the London Slums and I immediately thought of this series as Mark I watched it a few years ago. We borrowed it from the library and the kids were fascinated! It's so well done and since it has real people, including real kids, they found it to be incredible. I LOVE finding so much of what we read for school and pleasure for free at the library! 

We had a great week all back together for the first time since early July. It was great to have everyone home at once! Oscar was especially happy!

The cutest pup around!

This weekend Annabeth begins her Confirmation journey. We covet your prayers that she may grow in knowledge of Truth, in love with Jesus, and confident in her faith. 

Happy Savings to All! 

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