Friday, August 30, 2024

Frugal Friday 551

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Our internet was out last Friday. It was curious to see just how much we use our computer during the school day. Annabeth was thrilled to have the day off Algebra and she made a full list of things to research further once it came back on. It was great to have an "old fashioned" day. 

- As I am teaching Owen Indiana History (he's in 4th grade), we have made a plan to visit all 92 Indiana Counties. Saturday we made a big loop and hit Rush, Decatur, Union, Fayette, and Wayne Counties. We saw neat courthouses, a waterfall, a bird sanctuary, and some statues. Other than gas we planned it as a free outing. Mark did surprise us with a stop for lunch at Firehouse BBQ and Blues in Richmond. We are going to have a lot of fun traveling the state and I hope to find, and share, many free and low cost activities as we go. 

- Sunday we volunteered after church at our "Sea You Summer" back to school event. I serve on our Children's/Family Ministry Team and we put on the event. We served a simple lunch, had games, and overall lots of fun fellowship. Annabeth enjoyed helping with crafts and decorating. I really enjoy how much the kids enjoy serving others! May we all seek to do His will at all times. 

- We FINALLY had summer weather here this week with highs in the 90s and the heat index much higher.  used the mornings for outdoor time with Oscar and then did school later in the heat of the day. We tried to be very careful about having lights and other electronics turned on since we knew the AC was working overtime. 

- Tuesday evening while the boys were out, Annabeth requested a Girls' Night. She asked for a girlie movie and cookie dough. We watched A Walk to Remember and she made homemade edible cookie dough. I wasn't much of a baker before allergies and they have forced me to really learn. We both loved this safe cookie dough - peanut, tree-nut, and egg free. 

- Wednesday morning I had a little date with Owen. We went to the library and then used a Buy One, Get One Free coupon for drinks at the new Biggby Coffee. Once activities ramp up and we get really busy, Mark and I really try to each have at least an hour of one-on-one time with each child, each week. 

Coffee Date with my favorite guy

- I tagged our final Express Tagger's items for the kids' sale and our family did our last clean-out to add more to our items for the sale. The kids get to keep any money that comes in from their toys, games, and books and I keep the clothing and shoes money. The kids are saving theirs for vacation and Mark and I use the rest to pay towards vacations or kids' activities. 

- Wednesday night we had a special dinner chosen by the kids. We made chicken and dumplings and apple dumplings from scratch. This was a huge, three hour start to finish process and I wanted to be sure we got it in before we get busy with evening activities again. We had game night afterwards and after many nights of Yahtzee tournaments we switch to Scattergories. 

2,024 in 2024 Check-In: I mentioned last month that July was our slowest decluttering month but we picked up steam in August for sure! We are now at 1920 items out of the house! A big push this month was garage items leaving and the kids' cleaning out ahead of the Fall Kids' Sale. We have just over 100 items left to hit our goal by the end of the year. The kids set the goal of finishing it by the end of September! I love their excitement for making our home a calm place where we love to be! 

Frugal Fail: While the special dumping dinner was a hit, I made a mistake. I let the soup simmer like it said but, obviously, did not smell it beginning to burn. By the time I took it off the heat, I had accidentally scorched the bottom of my stock pot. We tried many hacks from the internet to save it but none of them worked. Mark kindly bought another for me but this was an unplanned cost. I did this not too long ago while cooking for the holidays as well. I did remind the kids that if they smell smoke or burning that they have to tell me because I have no idea it's happening until I see it. 

We are looking forward to the holiday weekend. We are so thankful for all those that labor! 

Happy Labor Day Savings to All! 

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