Friday, September 6, 2024

Frugal Friday 552

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday through Monday we all five went to Evansville. This is the first time Mark and Oscar have joined the kids and me since May to go south and it was wonderful! We had a great weekend filled with card games, a trip to New Harmony, good food, a day in Owensboro, time at the lake, and even a skunk in the backyard! We all shared in buying meals and driving and we had the best time!

At the Roofless Church in New Harmony.
My mama's family has been taking pictures in front of this field
since she was a little girl. It was Owen's first time along.

- Saturday afternoon my sister took Owen out for his belated birthday outing. She took him to an arcade and they spent the afternoon there. I am so thankful that my sister chooses experiences over stuff and takes such care in knowing just what the kids will love.

- We picked up our groceries for the week on Tuesday. We spent $72 for the week. I am following some of Jordan Page's Shelftember Challenge. The challenge brings the weekly grocery budget for a family down to $75/week in September while really cleaning out your own pantry/fridge/freezer first. We spend $100 or less a week already but I love doing this challenge anyway.

- The kids made the menu for this week. Last week was our first week without many evening activties so we did some real cookbook, recipe cooking. This week we went for simple with pizzas, biscuits and gravy, spaghetti and meatballs, and waffle dinner. It wasn't fancy but the kids each chose a couple of meals and no one complained so it was a win for a very busy week.

- Mark uses a product that has rewards on each can. He recently discovered they have a program where he can earn free products or Cashback. He's made back $40 this summer by entering codes.

- The kids' dance season began this week. I paid their class fees in full to save 5% on the year.

- Yesterday was our first day back at our homeschool co-op. Each of the kids had outgrown their GHE shirts so I purchased new shirts for this year. We passed on the too small shirts to younger friends. I am rewearing the shirts I already have to save the money of buying me a new one. 

In their new GHE Shirts.
Owen opted for white so he could tie-dye it himself. 

- Our co-op has a free table where families share art supplies, books, etc. We took along a few books to share. This year I volunteered to take all extra items to be donated. We took leftover books to the library for their upcoming book sale. One family's workplace donated hundreds of scissors. Once our families took what they needed we brought the rest home. Mark serves on the Board for the Johnson County Boys & Girls Club and we will donate the rest to them.

- After our meeting, those who were able met at a local park. We packed our lunch to avoid the cost of eating out. 

- Clients are beginning to plan winter and spring travel. I met with friends, who are now new clients, on Wednesday evening. I love helping plan their perfect trips! Want to talk travel? E-mail me here: 

We are looking forward to a fun weekend of visiting Indiana counties, time with friends and family, and church on Sunday.

Happy Savings to All! 

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