Thursday, September 19, 2024

Frugal Thursday!

 Happy Frugal Thursday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday and Saturday, Annabeth enjoyed the Jr. High Rally at Camp Lakeview. I am so thankful that my best friend Rose takes Annabeth along with her youth group for this special weekend. We are praying that all the youth who attended will continue to grow in wisdom and stature. Mark and I love sending her to a place that means so very much to us!

- Friday evening, Mark went with friends to the Lu High Homecoming Game. The Saints won and he had a great night out with friends.

- We checked four counties off our list - Brown, Shelby, Jennings, and Bartholomew last weekend. We drove back from camp the long way on Friday night and stopped at a historic covered bridge in Brown County, O danced at the Shelby County Arts Fest, we hiked/creek stomped in Jennings Co, and enjoyed time at Lakeview in Bartholomew County. 

At Lakeview.
In the spot where we met.
We've come so far since 2006.

- We made two grocery trips this week and spent $100. We are still doing the Shelftember Challenge and hoped to spend around $75 each week. The first week we were right on budget, last week was $50, and this week we just needed items that required us to fill in up to $100. So we are still out of pocket the same amount of money. In today's economy, I am proud of that!

- Between church and youth group on Sunday, Annabeth and I went out to get her new church shoes. For the past several years, she has worn (by her own choice) hand-me-downs from her cousins. The girls' feet grew very quickly and have passed on several pairs of gently used shoes. Annabeth's feet have been the same size for nearly a year and a half now so while she hasn't outgrown them they did need replaced. We hit up Ross and Marshalls and found two pairs for $25!!

- Tuesday evening, the boys enjoyed fishing with Owen's scout friends. One of the other families generously hosted the group at their pond. Mark and Owen took along bait as a thank you.

- Yesterday my friend Amanda generously took Owen to meet with her homeschool group. They have several boys Owen's age but it's held at the same time as one of Annabeth's activities. Amanda was SO kind to take Owen along for the science fun. 

- Yesterday afternoon, we had a couple of neighborhood boys over. Their mom and I have often traded kids for the afternoon over the years and it's been SUCH a blessing to have good friends for the kids to play with and a break/change-up for each of us moms. 

I'm putting this out early because the kids and I are headed out for a fun weekend with my sister. I am so thankful for the time she sets aside to spend with us! My kids are so lucky to have her as their aunt!

Happy Savings to All! 

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