Saturday, October 5, 2024

Thirteen Years With Our Miracle Girl


Our little home baker turns a Baker's Dozen today. 

We are so incredibly proud of the wise, sweet girl that Annabeth has become. When she was very young, on a sunny afternoon in our school room, she said "Mama, Jesus died for my sins. I know that He did on the cross. What do I do now?" After I cried, my sweet girl and I prayed that she might live a humble life but speak boldly of Jesus.

I think back to her birthday and in those hours between her arrival and me knowing she was alive, before I ever met her face to face, I prayed, I begged the Lord to save her. I bargained with Him saying "Lord, if you save her, we'll do anything for you!" I am ashamed to not have trusted His plan and to have tried to bargain with the One who created the universe. But I did. And I've worked daily to keep my promises made in those dark, painful hours of waiting. I gave her to Him and it never ceases to amaze me how He's already used her.

Twelve could have been the worst, hardest year for her. Life threw her some big challenges, big hardships, and very few ever know it. In the middle of countless appointments, PT and rehab work at the office and home, and in the midst of great disappointments Annabeth chose JOY. 

This last year, in the middle of great personal struggle, Annabeth chose service, she chose others, she chose to go beyond herself to be there for other people. 

Even as her own dance plans had to evolve and as she was asked to give up tumbling, changing goals forever, she agreed to teach others. When her ability to do a thing she loves deeply was taken away, she chose to happily teach others. To watch her grow and teach each week is such a gift. She is never bitter, never angry to help others develop skills she's had to walk away from. 

In a year, that was physically so painful and so hard. She worked to rehab so she could participate fully in life. In the midst of hard days she was there for her friends, helped others, and served faithfully in every way she was asked at church and home. 

To have a child who loves the Lord, who loves others, and who shares the Light in the midst of her own darkness makes me incredibly thankful. Countless times Mark and I cried out this year, "Why her again?!" as we were frustrated with waiting without answers. But only once did she cry for all that she was losing. Instead she kept sharing, giving, and learning new skills. 

Our Miracle Girl keeps fighting, keeps defying the challenges, and never lets any situation steal her joy. We've reflected a lot on the thought that "our joy comes from the Lord not from our circumstances." She's living it, daily. 

People have always said to us, "there's something different about her, something special" - of course there is! It's the same thing that makes each of us incredibly special - she was perfectly, wonderfully made and is saved by grace. If you want to know more - ask! I'm incredibly proud to say my gal will boldly share Truth with you that you might come to love the Lord just like her. 

So Annabeth Sage - Happy 13 to the one who already knows all of the important, eternal lessons, lives life beautifully, and inspires me to be better everyday. You are deeply, forever loved by us and Jesus.  

Annabeth Sage

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