Friday, February 26, 2021

Frugal Friday 383

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Last weekend, Mark and Owen spent Friday night through Sunday evening at Winter Camp with their Scout Troop. The weekend is really for the older Boy Scouts but we didn't have a sitter for Owen for the weekend and Annabeth had dance so he went along. Mark said he hung in there with the big boys and enjoyed snow hiking, sledding, etc. 

- Friday evening Annabeth and I made homemade pretzels. We had pretzels, fruit, and veggies while we watched a movie. I love that when given the chance to choose meals our kids love to cook from scratch!

- While the boys were gone, us girls enjoyed a Saturday at Annabeth's first dance competition of the year. We did not purchase concessions or dance wear.

- On Sunday, Annabeth and I stopped for coffee on our way to lunch at Mark's parents' house. We were able to get it FREE thanks to a giftcard from my birthday. Thanks Luke and Cassidy!

- We enjoyed Sunday lunch and play at Mark's parents' house. Annabeth loved having the babies all to herself! She loves to play with her cousins.

- We forgot to edit our Imperfect Produce order so we ended up with some veggies that we don't eat and too many of several items. We share cauliflower and tomatoes with a friend and donated butter lettuce and more tomatoes to the library's Free Little Pantry. 

- I noticed that with everyone snowed in, items were moving quickly on the Matilda Jane BST Groups. Annabeth and I quickly organized some items and listed/sold everything she's outgrown in about 20 minutes. I always buy her MJ second hand and/or on sale for a price that I know I can resell for that same price or higher. Made: $75

- Tuesday afternoon it was glorious! We invited some neighbors over to play and my kids were out nearly three hours in the sunshine! Oh happy day!

- Wednesday we met friends at a local park. The kids loved being out and about in the warmer weather!

- Wednesday evening Mark and I took Owen on his Valentine's Day. We had given him a Build-A-Bear giftcard and he enjoyed picking out a new pup. We also treated him to dinner and ice cream. He was so happy to be out with just Mark and me and proudly held our hands through the mall. 

Date Night

- We did Walmart pick up for our groceries. This is the third time we've done the pick-up and it really is helping us stay on goal/budget. Our total for the week was $73.05 plus I had about $4 back through Ibotta so all of our food for the week under $70!

Let's talk about groceries for a minute. The MOST requested item I have is how to save on everyday expenses BUT when I have shared groceries totals in the past I always get messages like "We could never spend that little!" or "We eat super healthy and it's expensive" or "You must buy junk"

So... I decided to breakdown by category what we bought this week. I did our shopping at Walmart my budget was $100. (Please remember we still have items at home like fruit, veggies, etc it's not as though my pantry was bare before I went shopping) 

Fresh Produce: Sweet Potatoes, Bell Peppers, Yellow Squash, Purple Onions
Meat/Seafood: Ground Turkey, Chicken Breasts, Shrimp
Pantry Items: Pasta Sauce, White Rice, Gnocchi, Parmesan Cheese, Carb Counter Tortillas, 3 Bags of Quest Chips
Freezer Items: Spaghetti Squash Noodles, Sweet Corn, Kashi Protein Waffles
Cheese/Dairy: Shredded Mozzarella, Shredded Monterey Jack, Bolthouse Ranch, Skim Milk, Yogurt
Misc: 2 Perfect Protein Bars, Laundry Pods, Sugar Pearls (for a birthday cake next week)

I try to plan at least two meatless dinners a week, no my people are not always happy about that, but it's a huge money saver and they get protein through beans/veggies and always are given a lunch meat option at lunch. We already had breakfast items on hand and for lunch we usually have lunch meat/cheese wraps, fruit, and veggies or leftovers. 

We had such a wonderful week - SO much sunshine, time with friends, and a special belated Valentine's celebration yesterday with our best friends the Eblings.

We are looking forward to more sunshine and time with people we love this weekend.

Happy Savings to All!

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