Friday, September 3, 2021

Frugal Friday 408

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Last Friday, Owen and I met Mama, Dad, and Annabeth in Montgomery to pick up Annabeth. We had lunch at Gasthof Amish Village and did some flea market shopping as well. This was a place I grew up visiting with my grandparents so it was fun to take the kids along as well. They enjoyed seeing the Amish schoolchildren, horses and buggies, and learning a bit about their culture.

- Our neighbors LOVE Gasthof and go quite often. Gloria suggested that we visit Dave's Discount Grocery while there so we made a special stop. I had not thought ahead and forgot to take cash (without phones they only take cash/checks) but Mama generously bought the kids some fun items from the grocery. 

- Saturday Mark and Annabeth spent the day working on sewing projects. Together they finished two skirts and two little bags for her. Mark also made a new summer weight sleeping bag for himself. He saved over $100 by making his own.

- Saturday afternoon/evening, I went down to Huber's in Borden. My best friend won us a spot in a photoshoot for Sunflower and Blooms Boutique by Jac. We were gifted dresses, earrings, and will get copies of the professional photos. Jaclyn also bought us all dinner and drinks. It was so fun to get dressed up for pictures and to have a fun night out with friends. Thank you Jac for such a special treat!

- Sunday after church Mark and the kids enjoyed our church's Back to School Splash. They had lunch at church, did a slip-n-slide, and then headed over to Mark's parents' for Sunday dinner.

- While they splashed, Mark's mom and I went to a family baby shower. We enjoyed catching up some of the family and showering Shelby, Toby, and Baby. I won one of the shower games and the kids were VERY excited about the candy I won :) 

- We painted Owen's room over Memorial Day Weekend and took advantage of some Lowe's rebates. The giftcards from those finally came in the mail and we look forward to our next project!

- Monday we the big fall clean-out of Annabeth's room. This was quite the process but we got it really organized and she felt good about the many items she was able to let go of. We found clothes, books, and toys that we were able to pass on to friends or donate.

- Tuesday we had a rainy day. We still spent 1+ hour outside - we just got wet doing it! The kids have talked about it all week!

- Thursday we started our new co-op. We'll go just two days a month but both kids really, really enjoyed it. This is our first ever big group, formal co-op and we're all pretty excited. We met up with friends at the park afterwards and played for three hours!

- Through September 7, I am running my Annual Fall Book Drive and this year, instead of our usual Cuddle Bears, Riley Cheer Guild asked if we could donate "That's Not My..." books so we are. Our drive is also named Noah's Book Drive in honor of a little boy from our church who has just been diagnosed with Leukemia. Noah's Book Drive Support

We hope you all had a wonderful week and that you have a great holiday weekend!

Happy Savings to All!

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