Friday, February 23, 2024

Frugal Friday 528

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday we had friends up to play. Each of the kids did bit of school work, we finished the rest of Saturday, and we all had a great time with friends. We were juggling many allergies so I did a nacho bar and prepackaged safe cookies for dessert. We celebrated the January and February birthdays in the group. 

- Friday night through Sunday evening Mark camped with his Scout Troop. Due to the unexpected snow on Friday afternoon, they all go safely to the school where they meet and spent the night there. They headed on to camp in the morning when the roads were clear and much safer. They had a great, cold weekend. Mark brought home an extra package of sub rolls so I worked those into the menu this week.

- The kids and I stayed home and enjoyed the snow. Saturday evening the roads had cleared enough to head over to church for a "Jesus Loves You Snow Much" event that our Children's Ministry Team put on. It is my pleasure to serve on this committee and we had a great time with the families able to come. Annabeth made oatmeal, double-chocolate chip cookies to take for the pot luck. We went to Saturday night service after the event.

- Sunday we stayed home and cleaned house and had a school day. This worked well as we took Monday off school to be with Mark since he was off for the holiday.

- Monday morning we attended a rescheduled Valentine's Day party at my friend Katelyn's. Katelyn always does a lovely job of hosting and we had a pitch-in for lunch. We took along a cheese ball and crackers and Annabeth brought her own safe meal. Katelyn had several crafts for the kids and then they all exchanged non-food Valentine's. Our kids took along bubbles and pencils as those were items I was hoping the other kids would use and enjoy. 

 - Mark and Owen both did HUGE cleanouts over the past couple weeks. We have taken more than 150 items to donate, many items went straight to trash or recycling, and we have some to save back for the kids' sale as well. Next week I'll check in with our February totals for our 2,024 in 2024 Challenge. 

- As Owen cleaned out a lot of clothing and baseball gear, I listed it for sale on Facebook. Sold baseball pants and heart guard. I also sold two shirts. Made: $23

- As we cleaned out we have taken two HUGE boxes of items to donate. I always make a point to load up and donate either the evening we clean out or the next day. This is your sign to do the same with a donate box you have sitting around - let it go!

- I had two things come in the mail that didn't fit as I had hoped. Since I knew Owen and I wouldn't use them - we took them to return right away. The items aren't in our house now and the money is back in bank account. Do you have items that need returned? Take it today!

- Owen got his haircut this week. This is one thing that we do hire out and it's well worth it. This week he sat still enough for some cool designs. He was thrilled!

Mr. O - Feeling SO cool!

- Yesterday, we took advantage of Butler's free educational series. We enjoyed the show Radium Girls. This was listed as a middle/high school performance but Owen did enjoy parts of it. 

- Last night was rom-com movie night with some of the moms from our co-op. I'm really thankful that this year's mom's night out committee has offered so many events at different days/times as I've been able to make it to several. I took along chips and dip and we all snacked and enjoyed a movie. 

We had an unusually warm week for February and as a result spent so many hours outside flying kites, walking, bike riding, and warming up for baseball season. I am so thankful for this lovely week!

We are looking forward to the kids' first dance competition this weekend. Good luck SDA Company!

Happy Savings to All!  

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