Friday, June 14, 2024

Frugal Friday 542

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Last Friday evening we squeezed in a quick friend birthday party for Owen. Our schedule has been hectic and he just wanted to "run around with my friends." So we did a little pizza and ice cream cake party at home. He invited five families, four were able to make it, and the kids had a great time playing outside and checking out his gifts from the party. We overestimated the amount of pizza we needed and ended up eating it all the way through Sunday dinner!

Owen had an Elvis themed party.
His hat is from Graceland, he found this shirt online, and the fun music cake
is from Dairy Queen. 

- Saturday I went down towards Lousiville and spent the day with my best friend. We quickly realized we weren't going to have time for a Girls' Getaway this year so we squeezed as much fun in on a Saturday as we could. We went to Coffee Crossing (2x - we love it so much), shopped, walked, had lunch and dinner together, and just talked all day. We each found outfits for upcoming special, summer occassions and had the best day together. I am so thankful for her!

- Mark and the kids cleaned out some paint from our garage on Saturday. We've had some of it, and yes this embarrases me, since we moved in 10+ years ago. Mark found a FREE place to dispose of it on Saturday which was lovely because our last quote was nearly $100 at a recycling place. We checked the items off our list and our garage is so happy for the space. After that, they headed to L&C's for a birthday cookout for Mark's mom. 

- Sunday after church we went next door to celebrate the 90th birthday of our neighbor and friend Ed. We are so incredibly blessed to be their neighbors. I really admire his willingness to share Truth and Light with everyone he encounters. He's always willing and ready to let people know that God loves them. What a great example for us all! 

- I used some of my Ibotta rewards to pay for a bus fare for vacation. This made transportation to and from the airport 100% free to us. Join Ibotta and save! 

- Mama and Dad came up Tuesday through Friday to enjoy dance recital and some summer fun. We always love having them here!

- On Wednesday, they took Owen to Costco for his birthday gift. Owen had asked for a shopping spree there. He budgeted well and came away with nearly everything on his list and more! Thank you all for this fun gift.

We had a busy, fun week with dance rehearsal/recital and then working the recreational recitals. 

Looking forward to a fun weekend celebrating graduations and Father's Day. Above everything else, we are thankful for the fathers who have taught us well here on earth and our Heavenly Father for both life and the Life Eternal. 

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