Friday, June 21, 2024

Frugal Friday 543

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- We have had a very rough, sick couple of weeks. 3 weeks ago yesterday Owen started feeling poorly, then Mark, then me but for each of us it was 14+ days of coughing. As a result, we had a nice, slow weekend last weekend to try to give our bodies some time to heal as the week before had been very busy with work and dance recitals.

- Friday we stayed home all day, sadly sent my parents home to Evansville, and then had a quiet night in. I popped a Costco dinner in the oven for a quick, easy dinner for three of us and Annabeth made her own safe dinner as well. Thank you Mama and Dad for the meatloaf and potatoes as it was part of Owen's birthday haul.

- Saturday we had an at home day. Mark did yardwork in the morning, got our patio cleaned up, and did some work in the garage. The kids have outgrown our children's picnic table, it was a gift from Mark's parents many years ago. We were able to pass it on to homeschool friends with two young boys. That made it much easier to know it's going to people we love. Mark also packed up a grill from the back yard. He's taking it to scouts to use there. He gave the patio a good clean and now it looks spacious and ready for summer! 

- Annabeth and I ran out to a graduation party on Saturday. Neither of us were feeling great but "M" is a good friend of Annabeth's as they teach together at the dance studio so she really wanted to go. We dropped off the cutest little gift - thank you to my friend Melissa for crafting the best graduation gifts for everyone this year! I always love to shop small!

- Monday evening was Owen's last baseball game of the season. Our tradition is that at the last game of the season we go out for ice cream. We budget for this and so on the way home we picked up Dairy Queen. 

It's always the right night for Blizzard!
 I always eat mine with a nod to heaven and my dear friend Brandon Sage. 

- Tuesday evening the kids had their end of the year 4H Barn Party. The club purchased pizza and cookies as part of the evening so we had free dinner at the meeting.

- Wednesday night we enjoyed a free movie night at the Artcraft Theatre. I am on the Children's Ministry Team at our church and we rented the theater out as part of our "Get Reel with Jesus" VBS. It was a great way to celebrate the week with our church family and VBS friends. 

- Last night, after dinner, we stopped by our friend's garage sale. My friend Angel is SO organized and has the best, quality stuff! Annabeth found many pairs of jeans, skirts, a jean jacket, and two pairs of shoes. We also found a Nike sweatshirt for Owen. We spent $33 OOP - at home we did a quick retail estimate based on online comps which came in at $481 - so we saved $448 by buying used!

We are looking forward to a fun weekend and are excited to be sharing the message at church on Sunday. We thank and praise the Lord for a beautiful week of VBS!

Happy Savings to All! 

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