Friday, June 28, 2024

Frugal Friday 544

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday morning our washer was acting funky. Of course, I already had a load in that got wet but not washed. We ran over to the laundry mat to wash it through and then brought it home to dry. Mark ordered two parts, $55, and was able to fix it himself. I did have to wash two loads at the laundry mat - $4. Even so, our $59 spent was less than the $90 service call + labor + parts. We know we saved probably $100+ by doing the work ourselves. 

- Friday night the kids asked and asked to go out to eat. We hadn't planned for it so instead we made a special meal together at home - homemade BBQ sauce for pulled pork, homemade macaroni and cheese, and baked beans. The kids then initiated a movie and game night after dinner. We didn't spend any extra money and still had a great night.

- Saturday morning we went to the Farmer's Market. We spent $19 and got fresh veggies and homemade sourdough bread. Owen did take some of his own money and got himself a lemon shakeup and chocolate pretzels. We also got some price sheets from local meat farmers so we can compare prices.

- Once we got home, Mark mowed our lawn and our neighbor's lawn. Then he completed a project he's wanted to do for a long time - he cut down our dying cherry tree. Our chainsaw wasn't cooperating so he borrowed one from a friend. In return, he refilled it with gas and took the trunk to Levi. Levi plans to plane the trunk to make a table. We saved the cost of buying our own saw and hundreds of dollars by doing it ourselves. It was over 90 degrees and we were so proud of Owen for hanging in with us for over four hours to get the whole project done! 

Every year since we moved in, we have taken our Easter and Mother's Day pictures
in front of our tree. I ran out before Mark got all of it down for one last picture. 
Then I cried because I'll miss our tree - it was a weepy cherry and one of my favorite parts of the house when we first moved in. 

- Saturday evening we enjoyed a free pizza and pool party at the city pool for the Little League. Due to illness and cool weather we hadn't made it to the pool yet this summer so the kids were thrilled.

- I printed several pictures for the kids' 4H projects this week. I used Walgreens as they had a 40% off prints deal. Our local Walgreens also makes great, quality prints that are ready within an hour. 

- We made several trips to Hobby Lobby for projects as well. Typically, I would shop different craft stores and find a deal but it's the only one in town so it wins by default as it saves time/gas to just walk over vs driving to Greenwood or Indy. All of the items we didn't end up using, I promptly returned for cash back on my card. By faithfully returning items that I bought but didn't use/didn't fit/wasn't what we needed I have gotten back nearly $100 this year! All of those "little" $8-10 returns really add up over time. 

- Annabeth was at production dance camp this week. Each summer, we allow the kids to each choose one paid for summer camp style activity. Since we travel for dance nationals in the summer also it is one way we keep our summer budget in check. Annabeth chose dance camp and had a wonderful time! We're looking forward to the performance today. 

- Owen and I had the week together and it was great! Once he finished his 4H projects, we had lots of time to play games, go for walks, get extra chores done, play at parks, and I did treat him to one special eat out meal at Chic-Fil-A. I love one-on-one time with each of the kids! 

The highlight of this week, probably of our summer, was listening to Annabeth share the message at church on Sunday. I don't know many adults, and even fewer children, who can confidently and boldly share their 'heartwarmining" moment of faith in front of a crowd. Annabeth did a beautiful job. 3 John 1:4 ("I have no greater joy than knowing my children walk in Truth.") has been heavy on my heart as I am forever thankful that my children know and love the Lord and His people.

Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend! Happy Savings to All! 

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