Happy Frugal Friday!
Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:
- Last Friday we spent about 90 minutes at our local museum with friends. There was a traveling Revolutionary War Exhibit to see as well as our usual local history. It was a great way to spend a frigid afternoon with friends. Our local museum is free!
- Mark went to Winter Camp for the weekend with his Scouts. Mark volunteers countless hours each year with Scouting and I am proud of the impact he has on so many youth.
- While Mark was away, my sister came up for the weekend! I love having her in town and the kids enjoyed it too! We treated her to Mexican dinner on Saturday night and on Sunday she took Annabeth on a little date for lunch and books from our local bookstore.
- This weekend was the kids' first dance competition of the year. Their routines were very clean and I was so proud of how they looked, especially for the first week out. We packed along lunches and snacks and did not purchase any, overpriced, dance souveniers. Early on we set the president that we would only buy dance souveniers at Nationals. This keeps the kids from asking me every time and keeps me from spending a ridiculous amount of money on sweatshirts.
- It was in the 60s and sunny several afternoons this week. We took our afternoon school and reading outside. We also walked, rode bikes, visited with neighbors, and took Oscar out for lots of sunshine and fresh air. I know it's False Spring BUT I was so thankful to have it!
- Yesterday we took an impromptu county tour to see Henry and Madison Counties. We drove all the way to Anderson to visit the AMOA but when we arrived it was closed! :( I double checked their social media and website and neither had any notice of it being closed so I called. A kind office lady, once she heard how far we had driven and about our county project, she let us in! We received a private tour of the building and the new student art exhibit that doesn't open to the public until Sunday! We were just thrilled!
- Last night I took my friend Justina to dinner. We have the exact same birthday and we gave each other such great gifts this year. We're both on a simple life mission and so she gifted me beautiful chocolates, no clutter there, and I took her to dinner. I am so thankful for a friend who cherishes quality time, family life, and homeschooling the way I do!
What a, much needed, week of warmth and sunshine! We are looking forward to a busy weekend celebrating lots of birthdays!
Happy Savings to All!