Thursday, November 27, 2008

And God said "Let Go"

As Mark and I have been discussing plans for the next year, we've been talking about places to live and careers/graduate schools that may lead us to those places but we've also been discussing some mission opportunities such as Teach for America or Youth Encounter. With all of these choices, I have been struggling to stay calm and to remember that life is simple because I am living God's plan. So, as I prayed before bed I said, "God give me some kind of sign, some kind of hint of what we're supposed to do." Then I had the same dream I have been having a lot lately.

In this dream I am always hanging on to something, a ladder, some wood, a tree limb, and the only way to get down is to let go and fall. Each night in my dream the person I am hanging on with is able to let go but I never can. Last night in my dream it was my sister, and she just let go, and fell and laughed, and landed on two feet ready to take on the next challenge. I woke up right after that and said, "Okay God, I get it. I'll let go." This is me, letting go and letting God.

1 comment:

christamac said...

oh amy!
as someone in the same boat, i understand that is crazy. i'm so happy for you that God is speaking to you and answering your prayers...once you figure out exactly what "letting go" is, you should let me know! i'm trying to let go...but still have no idea what will come, or how i'll know when it has come. ah. but i love you. and mark. and God is going to do incredibly amazing things through each of you. i love you both!