Friday, November 11, 2022

Frugal Friday 468

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Saturday morning Mark and the kids hiked with Owen's Cub Scout Den. It was windy and drizzly but they didn't mind at all! They had a great time! 

- While they were out, I hosted a Ladies' Morning Out for our homeschool co-op. We had a nice, small group which made for great conversation. I made two kids of egg white bites, apple pie french toast, and chocolate chip pumpkin bread. We had a ton of leftovers and which worked well for Saturday lunch and Sunday dinner.

- Sunday after church we went to Kristi's house for lunch. She made chili, Mark made cornbread muffins, and we spent a long, slow afternoon together. The kids and Kristi played games while I took a nap - it was glorious! We also all watched a movie together. She sent us home with blueberries and turkey - thank you!

- Mark had another sale from his Etsy Shop. While he hasn't had time to build a lot of stock for his shop, I know he's really enjoyed a lot of custom projects for family/friends and is working on a lot of Christmas gifts as well. 

- I ran a quick Inventory Sale in my Usborne Books & More VIP Group. The income from this covered Owen's surprise math book buy as well as his haircut this week. 

- Tuesday evening Mark volunteered at the Eagle Board. As a result, Owen didn't have Cub Scouts. Annabeth had dance so O and I threw his bike in the back of the car and biked/walked at the high school trail. It was a gorgeous night!

I cannot believe how many 70 and sunny days we've had in November!
Praise the Lord!

- Sometimes we have to spend money to save money later. This week on a Homeschool Sale page Owen's math books for next year came up. They were over 50% off the SALE price that I usually buy them for. They also included the teacher manual, which I didn't buy Annabeth's 3rd grade year, so I felt like it really was a great deal! Saved: $50+ 

- Owen is taking a P.E. Class at Franklin College this month. Annabeth took this same class when she was younger and he is SO excited that it's his turn! 

We are looking forward to a wonderful weekend with family. We'll see you back in 2 weeks for a mega Frugal Friday after my annual social media break! 

Happy Savings to All! 

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