Friday, August 25, 2023

Frugal Friday 505

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday we kept my nephew for the day. His family moved over the summer so we loved seeing their new house and exploring their new neighborhood. It has a park just down the street so we spent several hours there playing, meeting friends, and exploring. The kids were all thrilled to find a praying mantis and spent over an hour observing it! I love the gift of time with my nieces and nephews.

- Friday night was opening night for Fall Ball. O played a great game, made several great plays from the outfield, and got a base hit. We are LOVING this league. I did treat the kids to dinner out since we were running from McCordsville to Shelbyville between babysitting and the game. They loved that treat.

- We were away from the house about 14 hours on Friday so we had some neighbor friends come let Oscar out twice for us. The girls did a great job and he loved all of the extra attention. We paid them in puppy chow as a thank you for watching our pup.

- Saturday we mowed the lawn, ran some errands, and got our chores all done by 3. I traded kids with our neighbors and she took the boys, I took the girls. The kids had a great time playing with friends, away from their siblings, and it made for a great Saturday. 

- Mark is FINALLY home from Alabama. After a summer of one of us away nearly every week we were extremely thankful to all be back together this week.

- Sunday after church Mama and Dad came up for lunch and baseball. We made pork tacos/nachos with rice and corn. They kindly brought up the rest of the furniture pieces from my uncle's house. My uncle is moving into RV life and gifted us a record console (we are using it for our new TV stand) and two dressers. Now, for the first time since we've been married, Mark really has enough space for all of his clothes

- In the past week, we've donated two trunkfuls of items. It feels INCREDIBLE to have SO much out of the house. It's SO freeing to have less stuff. Mark and the kids each have new-to-them dressers and so their clothes are really cleaned out and organized. It gives me so much peace to know everything has a place. It's made our daily tidying session so much easier and faster.  

- I wrapped up a fundraiser with a local organization, we raised several hundred dollars for them, and kicked off fundraisers for two dance studios in Indiana and Kentucky. Want to hear more about our Cards for a Cause Fundraiser? Just ask!

- I got my quarterly Rakuten check this week. It was for $20. I love getting cashback on things I was already buying! You can click my link above to start getting cashback too. 

- This was a very rare week where we had just two evening events. Annabeth and her duet partner learned their new piece on Monday night and last night we had our Back to School Night with our co-op. Due to the extreme heat we moved it from a shelterhouse/field place to a park with a splash pad. I know it was a lot of work for our committee to shift plans and move but it was SO worth it. The kids all had a blast and it was much cooler!

Back to co-op 2023

We are looking forward to a busy weekend with family and friends. After a slowish week at home with lots of projects completed, I am looking forward to the busy. 

Happy Savings to All! 

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