I always like to look back on the past year and pictures are my favorite ways to store memories.
Here is my favorite picture from each month in 2024...

Our downtown is truly like a Hallmark Movie set.
I always like to look back on the past year and pictures are my favorite ways to store memories.
Here is my favorite picture from each month in 2024...
Happy Frugal Friday!
Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:
- Mark worked overtime and did some custom sewing work with his side business. I worked my travel business and helped clients plan last minute Christmas trips as well as Spring Break trips. Is travel on your 2025 plans? Let's plan together - a.riley@magicalvacationplanner.com
- Friday afternoon some of us had eye doctor appointments. We took a long an old RX set of glasses to donate. They were surprised and thankful for the donation.
- Friday evening we had "fun dinner" - nachos - and then went to the library's Merry Prairie event. This event was smaller and less crowded than other years which was great! As always, the highlight was seeing the live reindeer. This year though, we noticed the kids were truly too old for it. Thankfully they each ran into some friends to hang out with. On the way home, Mark took the long way and surprised us by driving through the Masonic Home and downtown to see all of the beautiful lights.
- I mentioned last week that we had purchased dance shoes on Cyber Monday. Unfortunately, the pair we ordered for Annabeth were too small. The company we buy them from requires us to pay shipping from them and also to return. Thankfully, I was able to sell them to another dancer at our studio for what we paid for them saving the $7 to return.
- Saturday we spent the morning volunteering at our church's Potato Drop. We helped give out a HUGE amount of potatoes. Before we volunteered at this event, I always thought it was kind of silly - how could just handing out bags of potatoes help anyone? You would be amazed at the stories and kindness we encouter each year.
- Sunday after church we drove down to Charlestown. We watched our Godson win his school league championship basketball game, celebrated Ebling-Riley Christmas, and saw the beautiful downtown Charlestown Christmas display. The Eblings hosted and cooked dinner so we brought fun coffee drinks, fruit cups, and dessert. I always help with dishes and clean-up. We are thankful to have officially kicked off our holiday season!
- Tuesday the kids and I made cut out Christmas cookies and decorated with icing and sprinkles. This was an item on our Christmas Bucket List. We make my friend Katelyn's amazing recipe and in honor of her we always give them away like she does. Owen took some to his Scout Christmas party, we served them at our Wednesday playdate, and took some to friends.
- We took a meal to a friend who just had Baby #4. We took pasta bake, bread, salad, and some of our Christmas cookies.
- The kids wrapped each other's Christmas gifts this week. I was so incredibly proud of the kids and their choices of gifts for each other! Owen chose to support two small, local artists in his gift for Annabeth and Annabeth opted to shop a used bookstore, vs new, and was able to get Owen three books instead of one new. They both stayed in budget and found things the others would love.
- We took our annual Hot Cocoa Walk with Owen. We prepare it at home from scratch and then walk downtown looking at lights together. It's such a special time together for Mark, Owen, and me.
- Mark had the Coroner's Office Christmas party last night. The Coroner always treats his staff to a nice dinner and small gifts. Mark enjoys the evening each year.
This week we had our final medical appointments, we hope!, of the year. One of which was a follow up to many appointments from the spring. One of us was awaiting news and test results. Last spring there was talk of surgery. I've been praying each day that the Lord would see fit to change that ending for us. This week we received the wonderful, amazing news that surgery will NOT be needed as the body is healing itself! Friends, I asked God for this specific thing every.single.day. It was a BIG ask but I knew I was talking to the One who could make it happen. Don't ever be afraid to take the smallest or biggest asks to God - he cares for them all!
Happy Savings to All!
Happy Frugal Friday!
Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:
- Last week, Annabeth came home from dance and announced that one of her classes was doing a "Secret Santa." I am excited that she's got a great group of girls to dance with BUT we were nearly done with our Christmas shopping. In the end, once we looked at her Secret Santa's wishlist, I saw that I could make her gift work from items in our gift tote. Over the year, when I find a great deal I stock up on little things and add them to gifts across the year. It's getting harder as the kids are older and their friends want more specific things but in this instance she is a Harry Potter fan and we easily made that work! I am thankful that Annabeth understood the monetary value of the gift we were giving without the need to spend money out of pocket now.
- Saturday morning the boys helped with an Eagle Scout project in Indianapolis. I am so proud of Owen for going along to each project, learning new skills, and being willing to put in a lot of work.
- Friday and Saturday evenings Mark and Annabeth had little dates. They ate pizza, browsed some local shops, and enjoyed time together. I think alot of dads aren't sure what to do with tween/teen daughters and I am really thankful that Mark keeps learning about things that interest Annabeth (like Harry Potter, sewing, etc) so he can continue to relate to her and spend time with her in a meaningful way.
- Friday night Owen I had a dress rehearsal and then Saturday afternoon/evening we participated in Prince of Peace's Bethelehem Walk. My friend Bethany (who was my middle school/high school camper many moons ago) is the coordinator of the event and it was great fun to play "leather merchants." My favorite part of the night, other than sharing the Gospel with 900+ guests, was cleaning up with Bethany and her girls. Watching Owen and her girls work together was such a special thing!
Happy Frugal Friday!
Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:
- Mark worked quite a bit of overtime. Unfortunately, the holidays are a very busy time of year for him. I also worked my travel business as I had guests traveling for Thanksgiving and many preparing to be gone for Christmas/New Year's.
- Friday we decorated the house for Christmas. I did a whole post on how we made old things "new" to dress up our 2024 holiday season. Always shop your shelves first!
- Mark and I each spent some time in Owen's room and closet helping him get organized. At nine, he's beginning to bridge that gap between kid and tween and his room was really chaotic. Thankfully he was open to the help and did a great job sorting, creating new systems, and passing many things on.
- Saturday evening we had Thanksgiving at our friends' house. They combine some family with some friends and do one big meal. We took along corn casserole and brownies. Mark got called into work so part way through so they sent home leftovers for him and Miss Shar sent home some of her delicious Chex mix for me.
- Our pastors are doing a Grinch themed Advent Series. Both Annabeth and I serve on the Children's Ministry Team. Our team hosted an all ages "Grinch-In" (potluck) Sunday after church complete with food, games, Bingo, and a showing of the old Grinch cartoon. We took along trukey roll-ups (on spinach tortillas to help with the theme), Ramen slaw, and chocolate dipped pretzels with Grinch green sprinkles. Mark's mom joined us for church and the event. It was a great Sunday!
- We each won a round of Bingo. The kids each chose Grinch cups with candy. I was the first one to win and Pastor Susan jokingly offered leftover spaghetti noodles - I happily took them as my prize! Mark cooked them up with onions, meat, and tomato sauce for dinner Sunday night. What a prize!
- We shopped Cyber Monday for the kids' dance shoes. The lists, thankfully, came out Monday and we were able to save $60 with Cyber Monday Deals!! This was very, very exciting! Owen needs the same pair each year and this is the first time I have ever found them on sale. With our huge savings we got three pairs for the price of two!
- Wednesday morning Owen and I had a free coffee date. I cashed in a free coffee on my Starbucks app and Owen used a Scooter's coupon from the dance studio. We wouldn't have stopped without the coupons and were excited for the treat!
- I had a friend wrap up a Cards for a Cause fundraiser with my PaperPie business. Her girls will be taking horseback riding lessons and they will be using the proceeds from their fundraiser to help cover those costs. I love helping people with this fundraiser! Want to run your own? Ask me how.
- Wednesday night Mark and Annabeth had their Christmas Date. On our Christmas Bucket List, Annabeth had requested an Oreo and Christmas Light Date with Mark. He surprised her by picking her up from dance class and they drove around looking at lights, eating Oreos, and drinking homemade hot chocolate.
- Yesterday was our homeschool co-op Christmas party and bazzar. Families can volunteer to have a table at the event if they want. This year Annabeth made scrunchies and keychains to sell. Owen made fuse bead crafts and homemade cookies. They each took a lot of care putting together their items over the past few months by using items we already had on hand.
- We did not take money to shop at the Christmas Bazaar. I realize that can feel counterproductive as our kids took things to buy, which means someone needed to buy them to make money, but it wasn't in our budget to shop. Owen did choose to spend some of his money as he earned it yesterday but we didn't spend any additional funds. It was what worked for us at this time.
- Last night we had our annual Christmas with the Kranks movie night. We always make a ham (like in the movie) and this year we added rolls, salad and tried a new macaroni&cheese recepie from a magazine that Momaw gave us. The kids ask to do this every year and love this tradition!
As we head into the holidays, one of the things on everyone's minds is budgets/money/finances. This time of year we can really feel how much (or little) there is in our budgets. It seems like every day is a new opportunity to buy a gift, donate to a cause, support a fundraiser, or chip in for a group event.
It is the most wonderful expensive time of the year!
I just want to share a gentle reminder: whatever you have, whatever you can give this year - it's enough.
From the beginning we've done "small" Christmases for our kids without a lot of fanfare around the actual gifts and more around visiting with others, church services, looking at Christmas lights, and being with friends. Even still, we're aware that our kids will open far more than others. At the beginning of the holiday season, we have the kids make their bucket list and then we stick to it. Unless an opportunity presents itself that is free or completely within our budget - we say "no thank you." Can that feel awkward? You bet! Do I wish we could see every play, musical, and ice show - absolutely! Do I wish we could get every item on our kids' wishlist - maybe!
In the end though, this holiday season is just that - a season. We have the whole rest of the year to live and we need to be mindful and careful about what we spend on our money on and how we spend it. I pray that each of you can find a way to move through this season in a way that is joyful and honoring of your financial goals.
Happy Savings to All!
A few weeks ago, Owen and I were in Walmart looking at Christmas lights. He has been asking for years to put Christmas lights outside, something we haven't done since Christmas 2010, I finally agreed and we spent $19 on lights for outside. While there, we were surprised by how many affordable Christmas trees they had. Since it was not the purpose of our trip, we did not buy any trees but I have been thinking about them since then.
Our first family Christmas tree was a hand-me-down from Mark's parents. They upgraded during a move and we happily took their old one. It worked in our apartment, first house, and in our current home for many years. One Black Friday, the lights had all died, it looked very sad and straggly, and so Mark bought us a 7 ft tree. It's been a great tree for us! We each receive at least 3 new ornaments each year (we buy each other one, each of the kids one, and the grandparents all give one to each of us) so our tree was very full last year. We were all a little disappointed that we weren't able to put everything on the tree last year which is what led to thinking of a new one.
With lots of other things to spend money on, another tree just didn't feel like a top priority for Mark or me and so we made our old things new this year...