I always like to look back on the past year and pictures are my favorite ways to store memories.
Here is my favorite picture from each month in 2024...
At the Burger Bar in Ft. Wayne.
The kids LOVE this tradition!
Twinning with my Dance Mom Duet Partner.
I am so thankful that dance brought us together with the Sichting Family.
They are friends who we've chosen to be family.

Disney Princess: The Concert
Annabeth and I had a wonderful night out. She loved
putting together this dress up outfit for our special date night.
Owen moved up to Kid Pitch in Baseball this year.
It was a HUGE learning curve for him but he put in
so so so many extra hours of practice. We're so proud of him for doing
tough things with a great attitude!
Mark and I spent a Monday-Friday at the Walt Disney World Resort
for our 15th Wedding Anniversary. I am so grateful that my parents came up to keep
the kids and Oscar for the week. We had great weather, beautiful resorts, and such a
wonderful time reconnecting, goal setting, and planning our next Disney trip.
Mr. O turned 9. He had an Elvis themed party, got a new big bicycle, and
made us all laugh 10000 times over the summer. He's such a ham and we can't
wait for him to harness all of that energy and enthusiasm for good!
Owen spent a week in Evansville and we got a whole week with just
Annabeth. As a homeschool mom, I spend a lot of my time with the kids as
teacher and mom so it's always nice to have fun friend time with the kids too!
Over the summer, we kicked off our tour of Indiana's 92 counties.
It's been fun to visit places as a family and also with extra family members and friends.
This picture is in New Harmony, Indiana at a place where my family has been
taking pictures for generations!
We took a long weekend trip to Michigan City for my sister's birthday.
We enjoyed two nights of sunset dinners at the beach.
The water calls to us all - we're beach people!
Annabeth turned 13.
We cannot believe we've been gifted 13+ years with our Miracle Girl!
We're so thankful for the light and love she brings to the world!
Thanksgiving Day.
Mark was on call, and did work, nearly all of Thanksgiving Weekend.
We were glad we had opted to stay home with him so he did have people
to spend his time off with. We hosted for the first time ever which felt quite special to me.
We took the long way home one night to look at lights in the fog.
Our downtown is truly like a Hallmark Movie set.
Our downtown is truly like a Hallmark Movie set.
2024 was a year to treasure. We had some tough battles, fought quietly, as we sought to live our quote for the year:
"The happiest people do the most for others"
- Booker T. Washington
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