Happy Frugal Friday!
Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:
- Last Friday to Sunday, Owen and I enjoyed a trip to Evansville/Owensboro. We checked off Greene County on the way, had a NYE style snacky dinner + card game night, celebrated my birthday in Owensboro with Momaw, Owen and my dad went to a blackpowder shoot and hiked, and we all enjoyed a relaxing weekend. If you live in Owensboro or visit there, I highly suggest the Windy Hollow Biscuit House. They have great southern food, knowledgeable/kind staff when it comes to dining with food allergies, and they do a lot of good in the community.
- Annabeth spent her weekend in Illinois with the Rileys there. Kristi had planned to drive over for Nate's birthday and Annabeth was thrilled to join her. They had a great time seeing the girls' pep band and going ax throwing.
- Mark, meanwhile, stayed home and worked almost the entire weekend. He was glad he hadn't bothered to drive either place with us as he would have had to just head home anyway. He was thankful for the overtime.
- I ordered four Shutterfly books. I was waiting for a sale + free shipping. Saved: $115
- Mark sold a set of items to a friend. He made a great profit which he added to savings. We are well on our way for our 2,025 items out in 2025. We have nearly 450 items gone!
- Tuesday evening I took a meal to a family in our co-op who welcomed a new baby this month. I took pasta bake, salad, and homemade cookies.
- Wednesday was Oscar Chase's 5th Birhday! Each of the kids chose a special toy and snack for him to open. He eats a special diet so I did have to get snacks from Pet Smart but we found toys for under $5 at Marshalls.
- Yesterday morning, the kids and I volunteered at the Mt. Pleasant Impact Center. This project was organized by Annabeth's co-op teachers. Her class, as well as some moms and siblings, spent several hours serving breakfast, cleaning, and organizing. If you have any interest in donating or volunteering - please check out their Facebook page above for details. Their most needed donations are men's jeans, boys clothing in sizes 10+, and diapers.
- Last night, we took yarn to a friend. She is one of Annabeth's co-op teachers and is going to use the yarn for their Valentine's class. Thank you to Mark's mom for the amazing donation of all of the yarn!!
- After dropping off yarn, Owen enjoyed a free Lego STEAM class at a local library.
We had a great week and are looking forward to some Indiana exploring in the week to come.
Happy Savings to All!