Friday, January 31, 2025

Frugal Friday 567

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Last Friday to Sunday, Owen and I enjoyed a trip to Evansville/Owensboro. We checked off Greene County on the way, had a NYE style snacky dinner + card game night, celebrated my birthday in Owensboro with Momaw, Owen and my dad went to a blackpowder shoot and hiked, and we all enjoyed a relaxing weekend. If you live in Owensboro or visit there, I highly suggest the Windy Hollow Biscuit House. They have great southern food, knowledgeable/kind staff when it comes to dining with food allergies, and they do a lot of good in the community.

Owen has a great time visiting the black powder shoot with my dad.
They took pictures for the newsletter, hiked, and Owen loved visiting with all of the guys. 

- Annabeth spent her weekend in Illinois with the Rileys there. Kristi had planned to drive over for Nate's birthday and Annabeth was thrilled to join her. They had a great time seeing the girls' pep band and going ax throwing.

- Mark, meanwhile, stayed home and worked almost the entire weekend. He was glad he hadn't bothered to drive either place with us as he would have had to just head home anyway. He was thankful for the overtime.

- I ordered four Shutterfly books. I was waiting for a sale + free shipping. Saved: $115

- Mark sold a set of items to a friend. He made a great profit which he added to savings. We are well on our way for our 2,025 items out in 2025. We have nearly 450 items gone!

- Tuesday evening I took a meal to a family in our co-op who welcomed a new baby this month. I took pasta bake, salad, and homemade cookies. 

- Wednesday was Oscar Chase's 5th Birhday! Each of the kids chose a special toy and snack for him to open. He eats a special diet so I did have to get snacks from Pet Smart but we found toys for under $5 at Marshalls. 

I always decorate the mantle for the kids' birthdays so Owen has 
taken to decorating it for Oscar's too. 

Mr. Chase was thrilled with h is new toys! 

- Yesterday morning, the kids and I volunteered at the Mt. Pleasant Impact Center. This project was organized by Annabeth's co-op teachers. Her class, as well as some moms and siblings, spent several hours serving breakfast, cleaning, and organizing. If you have any interest in donating or volunteering - please check out their Facebook page above for details. Their most needed donations are men's jeans, boys clothing in sizes 10+, and diapers. 

- Last night, we took yarn to a friend. She is one of Annabeth's co-op teachers and is going to use the yarn for their Valentine's class. Thank you to Mark's mom for the amazing donation of all of the yarn!!

- After dropping off yarn, Owen enjoyed a free Lego STEAM class at a local library. 

We had a great week and are looking forward to some Indiana exploring in the week to come.

Happy Savings to All! 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Frugal Friday 566

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Yes! We're back with our usual content!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday night Mark and I had our first real date since our anniversary. We bought the cheap seats at the Bridgerton by Candlelight Concert and had dinner afterwards. Thank you to Mark's mom for keeping the kids and to our Outback waitress for comping our appetizer after a 90 minute wait. Saved: $11.99

The old church was beautiful by candlelight!
We had a great time!

- Mark received a giftcard as a door prize at a luncheon. It was to a restaurant that we don't eat at but his mom does. We passed it on to her. 

- Sunday, after church, I volunteered at homeschool fair at our co-op table and also spoke on a panel. We saw over 250 people at the fair and about two dozen came to our panel talk. I LOVE homeschooling and am always so thankful to be able to share it with others.

- I met a friend/client for coffee and we worked on three upcoming trips for her. Are you interested in talking travel? Let's make it happen. E-mail me at

- Mark was off on Monday for the holiday. We watched the innaguration as a family and prayed for peace in our country. 

- Mark did a massive clean-out in his closet and his dressers. If you've seen him lately, you will have noticed that he's lost a great deal of weight! After keeping it off for several months, he has decided to part was with his bigger clothes. We donated some to Goodwill, he took some to friends, and we put all of the sweatshirts/winter jackets/coats in little free pantries around town! It was very, very cold this week and we wanted them to get to people who needed them right away.

- Late last year, we switched Oscar's dog food to try to help with some health issues he has. It's been a huge help so we were ready to pass on a bucket of his old food. Our groomer was able to pick it up from us. We were happy to share!

- I've started a new gig on Wednesday evenings. A local non-profit was looking for childcare workers. It's a great time slot, I can work the whole shift while one of the kids is at an activity. They pay in giftcards and I will be saving them towards our fall vacation. We had gone ahead and booked a trip and when I was confident I could pay for it with my commission and kids' sale profits, this extra money each week will make it easier and faster to save! 

- Last night, I had a meeting with some moms from our co-op. I took a long chocolate chip cookies (thank you to Pastor Susan for the cookie mix at Christmas) and some prepackaged gluten free cookies for a friend who needs GF items. Again, I am so thankful for friends to share the love of homeschooling with!

We are looking forward to a unique weekend when we are doing three different things. I look forward to all meeting back Sunday and hearing about everyone's weekend.

Happy Savings to All! 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Our 2025 Family New Year's Resolutions

 Happy 2025 Again!

This year our family came up with three New Year's Resolutions. 

I was very surprised that they came up organically without me prompting anyone to make them.

Here's how we plan to live in 2025:

1. Choose joy and contentment 

As we read through many people's end of the year posts, Mark and I were both surprised at just how many people reported having a tough, horrible, or forgettable year. As we talked about our own lives, we mentioned just how long it's been since we felt like we've had a "hard year."

Is our life perfect? Have our years been perfect? Absolutely not! In 2020, I faced major health issues and life changing surgery for our family, we lost Mark's dad in 2021 which has forever altered our family, we've lost family and friends, we have had bad days, financial woes, etc. 

So what is the difference?

We choose contentment. For years, we've had a sign in our kitchen that says "The secret to having it all is knowing that what you have is enough." I look at that reminder many times a day.

We choose joy. My friend Lauren once shared the quote, and I don't know the original author or speaker so forgive me on that but it changed everything for me. "Joy is not in my circumstances, it is in knowing the Lord." Ooof. I have and know the love of Jesus - what else do I need?

2. Live by our 2024 Family Quote Again: "The happiest people do the most for others." Booker T. Washington. 

Owen had this quote in a school book and chose it as his "wall verse." It hangs on our living room wall next to the Golden Rule. It was such a bold way to decide to live 2024 and it changed so much for us and our attitudes about service. It enriched our year so very much to choose daily to do for others - we all learned and grew so much that we decided to keep on living for Jesus and others.

3. Decluttering 2,025 Items in 2025

Are you surprised? Honestly you cannot be more surprised than I was when my family ASKED for this!

We decluttered 2,024 Items in 2024 and I answered your questions afterwards. I was inspired by my friend Justina at The Well Planned Mama and she offered her printable to me. The kids absolutely loved coloring in her coloring sheet and we had the best time getting rid of items. We finished in the fall and it was so freeing!

I have mentioned several times on here that even after our coloring sheet was done I kept seeing items show up in the donation box, we kept taking items to the free table at co-op, we kept passing on clothes in our family clothing trade circle, etc. I have also told people I feel like we really changed the culture of stuff in our home.

So...imagine my surprise when the kids each mentioned independently that I needed to get our 2025 sheet ready. Then, Mark asked when we were starting! Wow! So on Janaury 1 we began counting again. It's clearly been needed as we've already parted with 30+ items from our kitchen that I thought had been so carefully edited last year. 

I am genuinely curious how this project will feel this year. Last year, as we began the year, my home felt too full and I was so overwhelmed by it. But now it feels so well managed! We have so much blank space! We all have clothes that fit, items we love, items we use, and a space that I am proud of! This year instead of the project being about me, it seems to be about them. 

Here's to 2025 and chasing dreams, reaching them, and dreaming again! 

Enjoying Disney World -
SO thankful our kids are experiencing experiences and travel vs wanting stuff! 

Friday, January 3, 2025

"The Story" and the MOST Important Thing I'll Ever Do

 Both of the kids, on their own, set the goal of reading through the entire Bible with me before they end their homeschool years.

We have enjoyed countless hours in the Word, together. I am so thankful for that individual time with each of the kids. 

This fall, we decided to also read through The Story. We began in October and finished on New Year's Eve.

I cannot explain how profoundly powerful it has been to be fully invested, in the Word, every day as a family. 

I love that the kids have developed inside jokes based on Bible people and stories. 

I loved when one complained about a long car ride and the other said "You're such an Isrealite!" 

I loved when they exclaimed "This is part of that song..." and proceeded to sing part of a hymn or worship song. 

I loved when they could fill in the blanks of verses before I could even finish reading them. 

I loved the behind the scenes facts they have each learned at church and were able to share. 

I learned SO much from them, from God's Word, and from the Holy Spirit's whispers. 

The MOST important thing I will ever do is share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with my children and with the world. I pray that they cling to Biblical Truths like: love God, love your neighbor, serve others, be of good cheer, the fruits of the spirit, and so many more beautiful Truths. I am thankful we have literally been handed a guidebook on how to live - we just have to choose to do it!

My life verse is Acts 20:24 "My life is worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task set before me - the task of sharing the Good News of Christ Jesus." 

I pray that in this fall of intense reading and scripture study that they have imprinted God's Word on their hearts. 

I pray that knowing it causes them to want to share it with all we encounter - for there is not a person we will meet that was not created by God. 

Jesus came for each and everyone of us and I love sharing that beautiful Truth with all I meet!