Friday, January 24, 2025

Frugal Friday 566

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Yes! We're back with our usual content!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Friday night Mark and I had our first real date since our anniversary. We bought the cheap seats at the Bridgerton by Candlelight Concert and had dinner afterwards. Thank you to Mark's mom for keeping the kids and to our Outback waitress for comping our appetizer after a 90 minute wait. Saved: $11.99

The old church was beautiful by candlelight!
We had a great time!

- Mark received a giftcard as a door prize at a luncheon. It was to a restaurant that we don't eat at but his mom does. We passed it on to her. 

- Sunday, after church, I volunteered at homeschool fair at our co-op table and also spoke on a panel. We saw over 250 people at the fair and about two dozen came to our panel talk. I LOVE homeschooling and am always so thankful to be able to share it with others.

- I met a friend/client for coffee and we worked on three upcoming trips for her. Are you interested in talking travel? Let's make it happen. E-mail me at

- Mark was off on Monday for the holiday. We watched the innaguration as a family and prayed for peace in our country. 

- Mark did a massive clean-out in his closet and his dressers. If you've seen him lately, you will have noticed that he's lost a great deal of weight! After keeping it off for several months, he has decided to part was with his bigger clothes. We donated some to Goodwill, he took some to friends, and we put all of the sweatshirts/winter jackets/coats in little free pantries around town! It was very, very cold this week and we wanted them to get to people who needed them right away.

- Late last year, we switched Oscar's dog food to try to help with some health issues he has. It's been a huge help so we were ready to pass on a bucket of his old food. Our groomer was able to pick it up from us. We were happy to share!

- I've started a new gig on Wednesday evenings. A local non-profit was looking for childcare workers. It's a great time slot, I can work the whole shift while one of the kids is at an activity. They pay in giftcards and I will be saving them towards our fall vacation. We had gone ahead and booked a trip and when I was confident I could pay for it with my commission and kids' sale profits, this extra money each week will make it easier and faster to save! 

- Last night, I had a meeting with some moms from our co-op. I took a long chocolate chip cookies (thank you to Pastor Susan for the cookie mix at Christmas) and some prepackaged gluten free cookies for a friend who needs GF items. Again, I am so thankful for friends to share the love of homeschooling with!

We are looking forward to a unique weekend when we are doing three different things. I look forward to all meeting back Sunday and hearing about everyone's weekend.

Happy Savings to All! 

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