Tuesday, October 25, 2016

My Vote: Election 2016

Election Day is just two weeks away - there is light at the end of the political mail tunnel! I look forward to having real mail in our box again!

A few readers have contacted me asking me to write about this election. 
Who am I voting for?
How did I decide?
What topics are of most importance to me? To our family? 
What political party do we associate with?

The #1 thing for our family this election season is PRAYER! We are praying daily that God would guide voters and that God fearing individuals would be elected on the local, state, and national level.

The most important topic for our family this election season is Homeschool Freedom in Indiana. Indiana is a GREAT state to homeschool in and we enjoy many freedoms. Indiana currently has very few rules in regards to homeschooling and we are not given government funds or oversight. I LOVE that! That being said, the tides of education are changing in Indiana. The brick and mortar schools are to begin phasing out ISTEP and the state is facing a teacher shortages. There are rumblings that changes in brick and mortar schools will in turn create changes, many unwanted, in the homeschool community. We are praying that the State of Indiana will continue to allow parents, not the government, to make educational choices for our children.

As far as other issues - obviously as conservative, Bible based Christians our family is pro-life. We are pro ALL lives! We believe all lives matter - the unborn, black lives, blue lives, whatever other kind of lives you want to come up with. Annabeth and I have been reading and mediating on the book of James this month and have been enjoying discussing James' words on loving all people. I pray that we are raising children who will love all people as we try to do.

As far as being more specific on this election, I am going to chose to not go any further. I know that the sharing of my own personal opinions or sharing candidates backgrounds, beliefs, etc will not change your mind. I know that me saying I am __ or ___ will not make you become _____.

I pray that all eligible will exercise their right to vote.
I pray that a Godly leader will be elected in each race.
I pray that His will be done.
I pray that regardless of the outcome of this election that we remember that this time on earth in fleeting, it's but a blip in time. I know Who the King of Kings is and I know where my real Home is. I pray that our family would not be swept up in politics but rather simply carry on sharing God's light and love with the world. Amen.

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