Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Annabelle Paige?

Baby's Name is Annabeth Sage Riley!!

In sharing our news mostly by phone people have come up with lots of creative ways of hearing Baby's name. So...here's an explination of her name:

Her First Name:
Part 1 - Anna: Named for my grandmother Betty Anne, my mother Suzanne, and my sister LucyAnne and because I LOVE the name
Part 2 - Beth: From my middle name Elizabeth and for all of the wonderful women I have known with Beth/Elisabeth/Elizabeth in their names

Her Middle Name:
Sage: Her middle name was the middle name of a very dear friend of mine who entered the life eternal five years ago. Brandon was a lifetime friend. He was wonderfully good and kind. He loved the Lord, his family, his friends, and music. I miss him every day.

We would love for Annabeth Sage to be a little like all of these special people: Amazing. Beautiful. Gracious. Kind. Loving.


Lady Suzanne of Greenbriar said...

I have this printed to share with Bill and Abby ~ they will be so pleased to know that Brandon Sage does live on ~

Unknown said...

I LOVE her name! She will be precious!