Friday, August 5, 2022

Frugal Friday 454

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- Mark spent the past two weekends cleaning out the garage. He was able to trash/recycle a great deal of items, we passed on some items to others, and we have a small pile to try and sell on Marketplace. We can now fit BOTH cars in the garage. This has been a big goal of ours before winter. Our neighbors used to go to Florida each winter and we would put one of the cars in their garage and we were able to protect both from winter weather wear. They sold their Florida house last winter so we needed to come up with a new plan for our cars. 

- Saturday morning, while the kids were at dance, Mark and I parked at the end of the walking trail and walked 2 miles in to the Farmer's Market. We picked up produce for the week, a steal at just $13, and visited with friends over coffee before walking the two miles back. It was a great morning workout and we had fun talking while we walked. I always wanted to live in a Hallmark Movie Town and Franklin is definitely it! 

- The kids had dance auditions this past weekend. They are very much looking forward to the new season and we can't wait to cheer them on. 

- Mark and Owen spent some time fishing and bonding Saturday night. O was very happy to have the biggest catch of the night. 

No filter - look at that gorgeous sunset!
God really knows how to paint

- Sunday evening we had dinner at Kristi's. She had us bring home all of the leftovers as well as some snacks from her pantry. This really helped our grocery budget this week - thank you! 

- Earlier in the year, we did monthly challenges to budget wisely (time, money, resources, etc) but had kind of fallen off that wagon of purposed actions during the busy summer months. We're back at it this month with the goal to not eat out at all - we are including coffee/protein shake stops, quick items at the grocery, and any meals eaten from a restaurant. Our exceptions will be: when the kids visit the grandparents they can have whatever is offered and we had two pre-planned meals out with others that we will keep. 

- We spent under $100 at the grocery this week. We had leftovers everyday for lunch. Dinners were bean soup and cornmeal mush (part of Annabeth's school from The Little House Cookbook), homemade sushi, chicken with veggies and yellow rice, zucchini spaghetti and meatballs, and homemade breakfast pizza.

- Mark's Etsy Shop has pretty much been bought out this summer and he has wrapped up the custom orders that came in. He's now back to crafting and creating - stay tuned to see what's new! 

We enjoyed a slower week at home as we get back into school year activities.

Happy Savings to All! 

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