Monday, August 8, 2022

Our Homeschool Lesson that Changed my Heart

 We are just a little over a month into our current school year, but last week Annabeth and I shared a lesson that changed everything for me.

This year, we are working through The Prairie Primer. This has been a DREAM since Annabeth was in about 2nd grade. Our first book was Little House in the Big Woods and we've really enjoyed rereading it and studying it with a new lens.

In Chapter 9, Laura begins to compare herself with her older sister Mary. This is a theme we will see throughout the Little House series as Laura not only looked up to Mary but often expressed wanting to be like Mary or Mary herself. 

In the unit study, it referenced 2 Corinthians 10:12, Isaiah 45:9, and Romans 19-20. I have studied these verses many times over the years, typically presented at Youth Group or at summer camp to remind young ladies to not covet the body or hair of a peer but to remember that we are "perfectly and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). 

I have also heard it presented at mother's groups to remind us that God chose us to be the mother of our own children so we don't need to wish we were as crafty, fun, insightful, or artistic as another mom around us. The adult version of that youth group lesson was to remember not to compare ourselves with others because it can cause us to become bitter. That bitterness can lead to being angry with God. 

While I really appreciate those verses shared that way, I still fall short and often pray that God will make me more fun like different friends for different reasons. This particular Unit Study taught the lesson in a way that I've never heard it though.

Laura tried to stack herself up in comparison to her older sister. I do the same thing, I try to be more like friends that I admire or social media figures who I perceive to be more Godly or patient or better homemakers than I am. In the end though....this takes my eyes off of who I should want to live like - Jesus. I read that in the lesson it just struck my heart.

When I try to be more like others, even if they are positive role models and my intentions seem pure, I'm failing to desire to be Christlike. 


My single goal in life should be to live a life that shines the Love of Christ to all the world. 

My life verse has long since been "I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and task that Jesus has given to me - the task of testifying the good news of God's grace." (Acts 20:24)

Sharing this because Annabeth and I covered this lesson over a week ago but it keeps coming back to me over and over. If anything good comes from me, know that it's Jesus. 

I am so thankful for the gift of learning and loving
alongside my Miracle Girl

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