Friday, August 12, 2022

Frugal Friday 455

 Happy Frugal Friday!

Here's how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- While it's still 90+ degrees here, we have done the kids big clothing clean-out. I was able to sell enough on Facebook to cover their audition fee for dance!

- We had a couple of Visa giftcards come to us for rebates. I saved them and used them to pay for the kids August dance classes. While we had other funds we could have used for each of these dance related costs it was nice to save them back for other things.

- Saturday we met my parents mid-way between houses to trade Annabeth for the week. She's had a great time going to book sales, the library, putt-putt, visiting Kentucky, and more! I always loved long weekends and summer weeks with my grandparents and I am very thankful that she has this time with my parents and my Momaw.

- We all missed Annabeth very much, especially Owen, but we did find ways to enjoy a special week with him. Saturday night we did take our one scheduled eat-out meal for the month and we went to Ford's Garage in Noblesville. He LOVED the cars inside and the food was excellent. We were surprised by the affordability of it too. After we ate, we wandered around Cabela's for a while. The boys loved it, I survived it. 

- Sunday Mark volunteered at Trinity's Block Party. They welcomed the community to food and activities. He was able to recruit 5 new Scouts for the pack and troop.

- Sunday after church Owen and I enjoyed his friend's birthday pool party. Owen loved swimming and the bounce house. Thank you Katelyn and family for your hospitality!

- After all of that fun, we met at Kristi's for dinner. She treated us to homemade meatloaf and sides. I make terrible meatloaf so the boys were thrilled to eat hers! She was also kind enough to send us home with leftovers - thank you!

- Monday we had a lifeskills school day. In the morning we mowed the lawn and took care of some outdoor chores, after lunch we headed to the library and spent hours building with Legos, gears, and magnitiles, and in the afternoon Owen made triple chocolate cookies from scratch. He also helped me make my Great-Grandma's macaroni and cheese recipe to go with dinner. As the second child, with a homeschooled sister, Owen and I never had long, slow easy days at home just the two of us. I really enjoy working alongside him and hearing what he has to say. 

- This week Owen and I enjoyed a lot of free fun! It was tempting to fill the week with shopping for special treats or eat out meals but it was also a fun challenge to help him enjoy the little things. We took lots of walks/bike rides, played at a friends house, and played lots of games at home.

- Wednesday night we headed over to the new amphitheater to watch the So You Think You Can Dance finale. Keaton Kermode, who we've enjoyed watching grow up at SDA, was in the Final 2. We loved watching with our SDA family and enjoying time outside. We're so proud of Keaton and we can't wait to cheer for him in whatever he does next! We stayed after the event to help pick up trash and to help clean up. Owen had a great time helping and watching them take down the huge screen. 

- Around 11 PM that night, I saw on our dance page that a mom had lost a special bracelet while out at the event. I knew Mark had good lights and a metal detector and bless his soul he went out there to look until he found it! I truly love his servant's heart and always feel so blessed that he continually puts others first. 

- Yesterday, Owen and I took a lllooonnngggg anticipated field trip to the Indy 500 Museum. I had planned to only use our library 50% off pass BUT the track tour was only $40 for both of us so we did that one. We were the first group of the day and only had two other guests with us. They were there from Utah for the BMW event that was also at the track. Owen LOVED talking cars with the tour guide and the BMW guys as well. 

No milk but 2 thumbs up at the Winner's Circle. 

"I'd like to thank my team for helping me win the race" 
Owen's press conference in the 4th floor Media Room

Watching the cars on the track
*Since they were there we didn't get to do the lap on the track or
the Kiss The Bricks part of the tour.
We were still out 90 minutes which I felt like was a great value in
addition to museum admission.

Annabeth has had a GREAT week visiting my parents but we are SO excited to see her this afternoon. I tried to really savor our special time with just Owen but I missed our girl so much!

Happy Savings to All! 

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