Friday, January 15, 2016

Frugal Friday 125

Happy Frugal Friday!!

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money this week:

- I hosted our Homeschool Group's monthly Mama's Morning Out at our house. While we still purchased food and drinks, our friends were able to have a nice breakfast on us.

- I enjoyed a Starbucks date with my sister-in-law (made extra special by the fact that she was in town from South Dakota) thanks to a Christmas gift card from Mark's parents. Thank you!

- Snow came in a couple of times this week. Mark returned to his winter job of snow shoveling. A family paid him in a Starbucks gift card which he kindly shared with me. I am looking forward to a special treat sometime soon.

- Mark worked one night at his part time job.

- With all of the snow and ice, the kids and I stayed in almost all week. We did get out Monday night to return library materials and to go to dance class but that was it. We saved on gas and spending money as we stayed home.

- We did not eat out this week.

- Mark used coupons for nearly all items on our grocery list.

- We continued cleaning out and organizing things around the house. Annabeth and I sorted all of the items for the spring consignment sale so they will be easier and faster to tag in May.

Frugal Fails:
- Due to the snow, we missed a day at the gym for Annabeth. We lost $20 as two classes were cancelled.

- We had some food waste. I had not been careful enough during and after the holidays and we did not eat half a loaf of bread, half a package of bacon, as well as some turkey bacon. It all went bad before I was able to use it up. I am always sorry to have food waste and am working on making sure open items stay visible in the fridge so I can see them.

While we enjoyed looking at the snow, I couldn't figure out how to take both kids out to play and keep Owen warm enough. So, we spent the week at home and inside. That meant being very creative with activities. Thankfully, at four, Annabeth can entertain herself quite well sometimes!

Me: "What are you all doing?"
Annabeth: "Pretending to have a garage sale with all of this junk.
I am helping Owen sell all of his toys."
None of her toys were up for sale. 

We hope you all had a wonderful week! 

Happy Savings to All!

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