Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Perfect Days

The last two days have been perfect.

We have spent nine hours outside over the past two days. We have played in the sunshine, under blue skies. We have enjoyed the breeze. We have moved bricks and rocks to find worms. We have laid on warm grass finding shapes in the clouds. We have rested in the shade with ice water when the sun got too hot. We have read book after book while enjoying watching for our ducks and bunnies.

I have enjoyed the kids bringing me beautiful flowers - dandelions. We have searched the yard for clovers - finding three, four, five, and even six leaf clovers. We have had dozens of egg hunts for empty Easter eggs after our church friend dropped off a care package. We have played Red Light, Green Light. We have played Mother May I and Owen May I and Annabeth May I. We have held hands. Oh friends, I have held their little, warm, muddy, sticky hands in mine and we have made memories.

I don't know what to do about what is happening in the world.
I don't know what the days, week, or months ahead are going to look like.
I don't know when we will return to "normal."

I do know that I am certainly living the very best days. Right now. Yesterday. Today.
Heavenly Father has given me the incredible blessing of time. Time with my sweet, little people. Uninterrupted time to close my eyes and to savor the sounds of their voices, the feel of sun on my face, the breeze in my hair.

For these perfect days I am eternally grateful.

What blessings did you enjoy today?

First ice cream cones of the spring.
Which were quickly followed by the second and third as the days went on

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