Monday, July 27, 2020

Homeschooling in 2020

Over the past few months, I have had SO many requests from friends, acquaintances, long-time readers who want me to "write more about homeschooling."

You can find my "Homeschool Posts" on the right side of this blog. You will find that, despite the fact that we are in our 8th year of homeschooling, I don't have a great deal of posts on the topic. Why? Homeschooling looks different for everyone, every family, and every child. 

But you all asked and when you ask  - I write.

Our History of Homeschooling
We began homeschooling when Annabeth was two. I needed order and a plan to get through the long toddler days. She was so quick to pick up on things and I felt like our days would be smoother with a learning plan in place. 

When she was three, I began using Alpha Omega Horizons Preschool for Threes. This SAVED me as I was pregnant for most of that school year, very sick, and I don't know what we would have gotten done without a plan laid out for me each day. 

We decided to keep her home for PreK because Owen was born in June and I was overwhelmed with the thought of having to get everyone up, ready, and out to preschool a few mornings a week. The cost of local preschools was also not in our budget at the time.

The next year was the year that turned the tide, with an October 5 birthday she had missed the Kindergarten cutoff but was READY for school. We made the choice to keep her home, to begin Kindergarten, and to "see what happens." What happened? She blossomed, we found our rhythm, we found our homeschool group of friends, and we KNEW we were hooked! After a lot of prayer and consideration, we decided to keep her home the next year and to move her into the first grade. 

We have homeschooled since then, changing what books we using, adding Owen to the mix when he turned two, and moving through the years learning and growing in Life and Love.

My Basic Beliefs on Homeschooling
I truly believe that ANYONE can homeschool. I believe it lies in the root of desire. Do you desire to educate your children at home? Do you desire to be the leader in their learning? Do you desire to train up the children in your family as a peer group? If you do, you can!

I believe that it is based on a family's desire for their child(ren) to be raised in a particular way with a certain belief system. I know people of many faiths, walks of life, political systems, etc who homeschool and do it in beautiful ways that bless their families.

I believe that homeschooling is rich, vibrant, and beautiful. It is a series of moments, days, weeks, years, lived learning in and out of the home. It's family hikes, art museums, paint in the backyard, and books shared with friends. Homeschool is little hands holding bigger hands, it's messy kitchens, long walks, and math done in the snow. 

Our Homeschool Style
We use a true blend of styles. We do purchase box curriculum (Abeka and Alpha Omega Horizons).
We also blend Montessori in the younger grades, Charlotte Mason ideas, as well as Student-Led Learning.
We use a wide variety of books sourced from the local library, borrowed from friends, and of course from Usborne Books & More

My Goals in Homeschooling OUR Children
1. I want my children to learn to love the Lord and to love others.
2. I want my children to serve others, putting others needs before their own.
3. I want my children to be dependable, responsible, kind, and to have great initiative.
4. I want my children love ALL people at ALL times.
5. I want my children to have a life long love of learning and to desire to learn and grow through adulthood.

*Note none of my goals are based on academics.
**Note my goals do not have to match your goals.

Every Day We
Read aloud at least 1 hour
Spend at lead 1 hour outside
Visit neighbors/friends/family (during Quarantine we did phone calls, video chat, letter writing) of ALL ages
Create using paint, markers, playdoh, Legos, etc
Complete household tasks
Cook or Bake 
Pray for our world

In Closing
Homeschool works for our family, it always has. 

It's taken HUGE sacrifices for Mark and myself as the adults/parents. We certainly don't have the financial freedom we would have if I worked and the kids went to school and I certainly don't have the luxury of free time that I would have had if the kids had gone to preschool a few hours each week or to school all day. We have long since seen the benefits for each of the children and for our family as a whole and so we continue to put the work in and to make sacrifices for me to be home full-time and for the kids to school at home full-time.

Have there been times we have thought to put the kids in local public schools? Absolutely! One of our children might really benefit and we know would enjoy a classroom setting but the right year has not coming along to do it. If/when it all falls into place we will look at sending that child during that year. We are so thankful to live in a town with excellent public schools and are proud to call many teachers and school workers our friends!

This year, a HUGE decision is being made in households across the country - going to school, virtual school, a combination, or homeschool. Lots of choices, lots of uncertainty. Know, dear Reader, that our family is praying for you! We are praying for that hard decision you are making and for your little learners. 

***Please remember that homeschooling is a personal choice and is the real life of our family. 
As a result, I will never share great details about my children's schoolwork or share their grades as that is their personal information. 

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