Friday, April 14, 2023


 In January, I decided that THIS would be the year I did 75 Hard. Over the past couple of years, I have had several friends who have attempted, and some completed, the challenge and I kept making excuses not to join them. "I'm too busy" or "I'll never be able to keep up" or "I could never work out 2x a day!"

In January, my friend Kayla started 75 Hard and was just quietly posting each day on her Instagram and every day I thought more and more "I feel like I could do that"

I shared this secret goal with Mark on January 28, asked Kayla for last minute advice on January 29, and started on January 30. The 30th would have been my dear Leah's 36th birthday. I felt like starting on yet another birthday she didn't live to see would motivate me to live better.

If you aren't familiar with 75 Hard here are the basics...for 75 days, every day, you...

- Do 2 workouts (each have to be at least 45 minutes, more than 3 hours apart, and 1 outside)

- Take a progress picture

- Read 10 Pages of a Non-Fiction book with the goal of improving yourself and/or part of your life

- Drink 1 Gallon of Water

- Follow a Diet (you choose!)

- No cheat meals, alcohol, or soft drinks

If you miss any part, on any day, you must start over. 

Day 1 Thoughts: It's not even 9 AM and I am a workout, reading, and half gallon into today. Staring on Leah's birthday has brought me a great motivation. I think of her always but especially today the fact that I've been given this day, and so many, that she wasn't. How am I am going to live it? In all aspects of my life, I am terrified of failure. This feels no different. I know that if I miss any part of any day that I will have to start over. Which is possible BUT I hate the thought of it. I know I can do HARD things!

Day 25 Thoughts: I'm down inches and excuses. I thought the hardest part would be finding the time to workout 90 minutes a day. I found SO much time that I had been poorly using. The hardest days so far have been while traveling but I've been able to incorporate family and friends into workouts on those days. The hardest part overall? Drinking the gallon of water and still getting out to do errands/workout outdoors without tons of potty breaks. 

Day 50 Thoughts: I'm down even more inches. I woke up still feeling really defeated like not enough is changing fast enough. I looked back on my Day 1 picture and compared to today. Well, that was all the proof I needed! Changes are happening! The biggest one, both Mark and Annabeth commented this week on how happy I have been.

Day 75 Thoughts: I honestly can't believe I am here on the first try. I was outdoors in everything from below zero wind, to snow, to rain, to sunny and 80 today. I cannot believe the difference in my physical self and my mental health! I knew this would stretch me but am honestly shocked by the change! 

Thank you to the many family and friends who joined my outdoor walks, to the kids who yoga'd/danced/etc with my indoors, and to the people on Instagram who liked my "Finished Day..." posts every. single. day.

I'm done with walking in the rain and drinking the gallon of water but other than that here's to great new habits, pants that fit (sizes smaller than when I started), and a spring/summer of continued fitness to look forward to!

Day 75 Smile
Tired but so happy to have done it all. 

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