Friday, August 21, 2015

Frugal Friday 105

Happy Frugal Friday!

Here is how we saved money/spent money wisely/made extra money:

- I gave away my Charlotte Mason books. I had purchased these books almost two years ago and have read only a few pages. A friend happened to mention that they are doing more Charlotte Mason this year and so I passed the books to her.

- We took a two big boxes to Goodwill. Many items were ones we had been given as hand-me-downs from various friends and instead of saying "maybe we will use this someday" I was very realistic and passed on things I knew we wouldn't use. I am really trying to keep the clutter down!

- Saturday morning we took the kids to the Downtown Franklin Farmer's Market. We bought a bag of apples as well as some sunflowers for Annabeth. I also got a cute t-shirt. We enjoyed listening to some live music and Annabeth loved playing with the hula hoops, jump ropes, and sidewalk chalk.

- Mark picked up part of a shift at his part time job. This meant getting called out of bed at 4 am and we love him for it!

- I cancelled my Ipsy subscription. I had given this to myself as a birthday gift and had months March - August however I just don't feel like it is worth it anymore. I really enjoyed the first couple months of products and I love the cute little bags they come in. However, I kept giving feedback and they kept sending products I specifically said I did not want or use. In the end, it was a nice little treat in the middle of each month and I did share the items I did not want with my friends and my sister but $10/month was too much for something I didn't totally love.

- My friend Alysha dropped off a box of clothes for the kids. Some were sizes that will work and some were sizes that we have a great deal of already. I kept what we could use and donated the rest. I traded her a Shutterfly $20 off $20 purchase coupon.

- Annabeth and I went to Toodleydoo Toys in Franklin and made a small birthday registry for her. I had a difficult time making a list for her this year as we would really like her to begin getting toys that will inspire creative play and reading. I want her to have fun toys but I also would like them to encourage group and imaginative play. I am also hoping to encourage family members to shop at a small, locally owned Christian business.

- I have borrowed a really expensive baby item from a friend instead of buying one new. I carried Annabeth and Owen both in my K'Tan wrap (thank you for that gift Mama!) but Mr. O at almost 16 lbs already is getting heavy really quickly as I carry him. My back is also still healing from delivery and is quite weak still. My friend Cynthia has loaned my one of her two Ergo carriers. Thank you Cynthia! It is saving my back!

Tiny Mr. O (at just 9 days old)
using the K'Tan for his first doctor's appointment.
He is not so little anymore :(

It was the third week of school and so we are really back into "school mode." As a result, we have been home more and more and eating at home more too. We're saving lots of money on gas and eating out! 

Happy Savings to All!

"Buy Used and Save the Difference"

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