Thursday, June 2, 2016

And now he is one...

367 (Leap Year!) days ago, I checked into St. Francis to be induced. I was a nervous wreck but trying to be calm as I prepared for labor with Owen. I had spent most of my pregnancy sorting through my emotions, and medical records, about Annabeth's delivery.

366 days ago, at 6:57 pm, I delivered Owen Merit Riley.
It was a perfect delivery. I held him first.
I remember looking at his face, holding him at just seconds old, and knowing that my life was complete.
I always felt like Mark added to my life, then Annabeth added to our lives, but the moment I saw Owen's face I knew we were complete.

Annabeth and Owen could not have been more different babies.
Her baby year was filled with colic, little sleep, tons of medical appointments, postpartum depression, job changes for Mark, surgeries for me, and so so so many emotions.
Owen's baby year was so easy. He was a wonderful sleeper from the get-go. He took long naps, many times a day. He would squish down in his swing or rock-and-play and be happy for hours. We had a few rough weeks around the 6, 12, and 24 week marks but other than that it was smooth sailing with our chill little man.

The word I have used most to describe Owen is sweet.
He is, I am sure, the sweetest baby who has ever lived.
He is such a complete joy to have in our lives.
He spent the first 8 months of life sleeping right next to me, most nights holding my hand. We have finally been able to move his crib a few feet away from our bed but the first thing he does every morning when he wakes up is reach for my hand.
He is never more than a foot away from me unless he is really happy playing with Mark and/or Annabeth.

I remember spending hours just staring at Annabeth as I held her and nursed her. I have been very intentional about doing the same with Owen. I now know just how fast it all goes. I want to remember it all.

I want to bottle up his little baby face and baby hands and keep them forever in my memory.

He has this gorgeous blue eyes and I love the way he looks at me. I love the way he says my name "A-ma."

I cannot imagine our lives without Owen.
We have so enjoyed making him part of our family this past year.
We look forward to all the days ahead of us that the Lord will give us with Owen.

We spent years talking about having another baby, then we enjoyed waiting for his arrival, then we spent a whole year loving on him, and now, seemingly in the blink of an eye, he is one.

6:57 pm on June 2, 2016 - It's official! He is one! 

Happy Birthday First Birthday Owen Merit.

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