Friday, January 17, 2014

Dancing with my Miracle

Last night Annabeth turned on Mark's clock radio and began to dance.

She put her hands above her head and turned in circles laughing. She loves to "'pin! 'pin!" as she calls her spins.

I burst into tears. Moments like that amaze me. On October 5, 2011 at 8:55 am, after her heart stopped, Mark and I thought for a while we would never have moments like this. Dancing moments. Laughing moments. Sweet moments. In fact, we didn't think we would have any moments. For those long minutes we waited to hear from the NICU, we thought her life was over. We thought our memories would be our pregnancy and then a series of sad good-byes to our blue, gray, lifeless girl.

So, moments when we dance, moments when that same little girl is red cheeked with laughter and joy, I cry. I cry and cry and cry and praise the Lord for our Miracle Girl.

Annabeth said, "Oh no! Mama sad!" And as I cried too hard to reply Mark hugged us close and said, "No, Mama is happy. So happy."

And I am. I am happy. I am blessed. I am thankful each precious day for our precious girl.

To God be ALL the glory. Amen.

Doing her Beam Work at Dance Class. 

1 comment:

Abbi said...

God's miracles are amazing! Thanks for sharing.