Sunday, September 29, 2013

Steinmetz Love

7.5 years ago I walked into the Staff Lounge at Lakeview for my first day of living a dream, being on summer staff at Lakeview. I saw my old friend Jordan there and he introduced me to some guy named Mark Riley. On that hot, humid May morning they left the AC of the lounge and helped me move into my cabin. Jordan and I caught up, while I rudely ignored that new guy Mark, and when it was all said and done I thought Mark was rough because of the tattoos and for not talking to me and he thought I was super stuck-up for not including him in our conversation.

Jordan worked hard that summer to keep throwing Mark and I together, on lake walks, in conversations after lights out, and during weekend events. And eventually...I fell in love. Then Mark did. Jordan gloated; he was right! He was one of the ones who stalked us around the lake the night we started dating, he was one of the first people we told the next summer after Mark proposed, and he was in our wedding.

Yesterday, we had the honor of being part of the celebration of his marriage. We watched him vow the vows we had made and we watched him smile in awe and love at his bride. We can't say we introduced them or that we helped them along in their dating lives but we can say that we enjoyed being part of the beginning of their marriage and look forward to celebrating lots of years with them.

Congrats Jordan and Aly, may the Lord bless you and keep you!

All dressed up and ready to go to the Steinmetz Wedding. 

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